Genealogy in Gibellina

If you search your ancestors in Gibellina, in the province of Trapani, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Gibellina

In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Trapani province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Gibellina town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Gibellina, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Gibellina during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Gibellina to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Gibellina too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Gibellina from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Gibellina. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Gibellina archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Trapani province are:
Accardo, Adamo, Adragna, Alagna, Amato, Angileri, Asaro, Barbera, Barraco, Campo, Catalano, Coppola, D’Angelo, Di Giovanni, Di Girolamo, Di Stefano, Ferro, Fontana, Genna, Giacalone, Laudicina, Licari, Lombardo, Maggio, Maltese, Marino, Messina, Milazzo, Oddo, Palermo, Parrinello, Pellegrino, Piazza, Pipitone, Poma, Rallo, Renda, Rizzo, Romano, Russo, Saladino, Sammartano, Sciacca, Stabile, Titone, Tumbarello, Valenti, Vultaggio.

Church Records in Gibellina

Church archives in Trapani province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Gibellina on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Gibellina:

S. NICOLO’ DI BARI – Via Ruggero VII, 28

S. NICOLO’ DI BARI – Via Ruggero VII, 28

Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Trapani

Address: S. Anna, 22 – Trapani
Phone: +390923 546355 552706
Days and opening hours: from mon. to fri. :from 08,00 to 18,00 sat. :from 08,00 to 13,30 weekly closing: Sunday; no reservation

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Gibellina area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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52 thoughts on “Genealogy in Gibellina”

  1. iam looking informatiom on my grandfather that born gibellina in 1897 his father was tommasso and his mother was diega pace names of his brothers or relatives in gibellina

  2. looking for filippo pace and caterina bivona need birth date and yr of death . when they were married and town.
    they had two sons
    first son ,giuseppe pace married annamarie accardo. the second son was franceso pace. i have paid a few people . to look for me. but nothing came from it . thank you for your time. catherine

    1. You should put more with it. There were a whole lot of people named Caterina Bivona and Filippo Pace in Gibellina, so it would help if you could narrow that down. If you have a birth date for the sons, that would help immensely.

      1. Giuseppe pace born march 9,1827 …. married anna maria accardo daughter of nunzio accardo… giuseppe pace died in roccamena.. oct 10 1885

  3. I am seeking information about my family that came from Gibellina to the US some time around 1905 to 1908. My Grandfather was Gaspare Lipari, born approximately February 2 or 4 between 1897 and 1899, his father Vito. I would like to know as much as possible about my family before my grandfather and great grandfather. I would like to know if they migrated from the Lipari Islands if so when?

    I visted Gibellina in 2011 for a few hours.

    Thak you for any information you can provide.

    1. Valen, Your Gaspare Lipari’s parents were Vito Lipari and Maria Bonura. Vito and Maria were married 13 Nov 1881 in Gibellina. Maria, who was born 5 Sep 1846, was my Great grandmother’s sister. Gaspare was married to Giovanna “Jennie” De Blasi. I have Vito’s parents as Luigi Lipari and Antonia Bonnino information on their marriage record. Maria’s parents were Gaspare Bonura and Giacoma Ferro. I hope this helps in your search

    2. Valen, I hope the moderator allows this message to go through. Your grandfather Gaspare Lipari and my grandfather were 1st cousins. Their moms were sisters. I tried yesterday to post detailed info but for some reason did not go through. I can go back one more generation to Vito’s parents and a couple of generations on his mother’s side, Maria Bonura.

  4. Hello, I am searching for information on my great grandmother Antonina Santangelo. According to my records that I do have, she was born in Gibellina to Domenico Santangelo and Rosa Accardo. However, I cannot find any information as to when she was born. She married my great grandfather here and was in Belle Alliance, Louisiana by 1894.

  5. I have found names of ancestors on my father’s side of the family in Gibellina with the last name of diCurti, with later spelling of DiCorte and I have gone back to the 17th century. If you have any information on this family, such as what they did for a living or earlier places they may have lived, I would appreciate knowing about it.

  6. Hello. I am searching for information on my husbands great grandfather. His name was Lorenzo Musso. He was born in Gibellina but I have differing birthdates. One record says June 1883 another record says 1886. His fathers name was Giovanni Musso born 1853 and his mother was Francesca Bertotti or perhaps a different spelling of that. He also had 2 brothers, Lusciano and Giuseppe. I believe there were sisters as well that did not come to America. All three brothers and their mother and father came to America at different times between 1898 and around 1911. Any information that can be found regarding birthdates, other siblings, or immigration dates would me most appreciated.

  7. Hi, I am looking for some information on my great grandfather Sam Gilardi (could have been born Salvatore) and it seems there’s some question around the spelling of the last name as well. He was born @ August 1895 in Gibellina. Father was Joseph Gilardi (could be Guiseppe Gilardi) who was born @ July 1869 (not sure where in Italy) and mother was Victoria (Vita, Veta, Vittoria) Sanangelo (San Angelo, Santangelo, D’Angelo) who was born @ Jan 1873 in Italy (not sure where). According to some information I found from my great grandfather, they migrated to Louisiana USA @ 1898. They were for sure in Louisiana by 1900 according to the 1900 census. He also had a sister Gelorma (Giloranna) that was born @ 1897 (not sure here in Italy). This is all the information I have and I would really LOVE some help if you have any information at all for me to go on I’d appreciate it!! Thank you!

    1. Dawn
      I hope the moderator lets you see this.I have been looking up more of my family in Gibellina and I found Vita Santangelos birth cert 1873.
      She was born in Gibellina.

      Vitas father was called Domenico and was 29yrs old at Vitas birth.
      Vitas mum was called Rosa Accardo and was 27years of age.

      I hope you get this so I can send you the links.I can see by your post your very keen to trace your history and I have enjoyed finding my ancestors in Gibellina and have birth records on Salvatore,Vita and Girolama.

      I suspect you will never get this message which saddens me.

      1. Hello Tony, do you have any information on Anotonina Santangelo? She was also the daughter of Domenico and Rosa. I have been looking for her birth record and I can’t find when she was born.

    2. Like you i am also trying to find information on my Great Grandfather. My Grandfather was born in Gibellina and he and family members moved to Louisiana. My Grandfathers name was Giovanni Santangelo and lived in Kenner, Louisiana and his brother Anatole(Natalie) lived in Plaquemine, Louisiana. I think my Great Grandfather was named Michele.

      1. Oh my gosh Tony, I’m just seeing your posts. Thank you so much!! This is very helpful information!! I will dig through my files to see if I can find any information for you on Giovanni Santangelo. I grew up in Kenner, Louisiana myself. I’ll ask around our family that’s still alive to see what they might know too. I’m so excited to connect with you!

        1. It’s an honor to see I have distant cousins as I research. I am Matteo. I am the great-grandson of Salvatore Grisafi and Antonina Santagello. Antonina was apparently Vita’s sister. I’m still looking for her birth record, but her parents were also Domenico and Rosa Accardo.

  8. iam vince accardo my grandfather was vincent accardo he was born 1898 and to the us when he was 13 i dont know his parents names if some one knows i would appreciated any help and iam searching for any relatives that live in gibelline or came to the usa with the last accardo

    1. vince
      your grandfather was born on 24 January 1897 not 1898
      his parents were
      father-tommasso accardo who was 37yrs old when Vincenzo born
      mother-Diega Pace
      he was born on Via Veusa in Gibellina at 4.15-not sure if its am or pm
      I found his birth certificate
      ask moderator to give you my email ill send you link

    1. Cascios in sicily are like smith as a surname in English!

      My great grandmother was a Cascio from Gibellina-Vincenza Cascio

      Do you know the year of Francescos birth-I may be able to help

      Antony Di Girolamo

  9. Hello, I am searching for the family of my great-grandfather, Stefano Tramonte. He was born in Gibellina May 8, 1878. Parents were Rosario Tramonte and Leonarda Fontana. Stefano came to Louisiana as a young man. I’m told there are very few records available in Gibellina because most were destroyed in the earthquake. Thank you!!

    1. Hi Dawn, Am doing a little research on behalf of my niece. Her grandfather Rosario Tramonte (1918-1989) came from Sicily exactly where I do not know. He married a Rosalia Messina from Poggioreale, Trapani. I mention this as perhaps the name Rosario was passed down and there may? be a connection. Regards

    2. My great grandparents came from Gibellina. Vito Tramonte married Marie Macaluso Tramonte. They left and went to Louisiana. I am trying to find out information for my family. Any help would be great.

  10. 1st Name: Giustiniano surname:Santoro (He went by Santoro guistiniano in U.S. New Orleans) born oct. 18, 1878 Gibellina, migrated to New Orleans from port of Palermo Oct. 28, 1889. His birth mother is :Caterina Campisi, of gibellina, father unknown. I have searched everwhere. looking for birth, baptismal records.

  11. looking for information on great grandmother. Her name was fillipa saladino , father vito and mother catherina bartallo. Can’t seem to locate any information about them..

  12. Seeking information about possible relatives of my paternal grandfather, Dominick Bonura who was born in Gibellina on April 12, 1871 and came to live in louisiana, u.s.a

  13. I would like any information you can provide on Rocco Tritico. He lived in Gibellina. He came to the US in New 1889 thru the port of New Orleans. He may have arrived in New Orleans several years earlier. I believe a ship from Polermo arrived in New Orleans around 1886. He purchased land in Louisiana and returned to Gibellina, to get his wife( Antonia Capo). They left Gibellina went to Polermo a traveled back to New Orleans arriving there in 1898.

    1. Hi Edward-

      I am looking for information on my husband’s great-grandfather and the Capo name caught my eye. We have hit a brick wall trying to trace his family back before he immigrated. He was born in 1894 in Gibellina and his name was Peter Capo. He also came to New Orleans and then went to Donaldsonville to work for his future FIL, Paulo Fontana in Donaldsonville/Ascencion Parish. I wonder if your Antonia Capo is related? My husband had been told that the Capo name might have been Anglocized from a longer named when he imigrated. Thank you!

      1. Found pietro capo born 28 feb 1893 his father was rocco and mother vita aloisio

        Also found pietro capo born 21 december 1893 father was guiseppe and mother agastina bruno( i think thats her surname)

        Pietro first born shiuld be named after his mum ir dad so is their a rocco,vita,guisseoe ir agastina in the line.

        If so that will tell you which certificate relates to your ancestor

  14. I am seeking information on my Grandfather, he was from Gibellina. He was born on February 4, 1896( The year might be give or take a year or two) I am pretty certain that is was 1896. His name was Gaspare Lipari, he came to America in the early 1900’s he ported in NYC, lived in Brooklyn and married in 1921 and had 4 children, the last of which was my father Vito (Victor) who died this year at the age of 94.

    I was in Gibellina in 2011 and did not have the opportunity to do research. Any information would be appreciated.


    1. Valentino

      I found your grandfathers birth cert and sent via moderator.let me know if it doesn’t come through. PS-Gaspares dad was Vito and mum was Maria Bonura.

  15. My husbands grandfather and Grandmother were from Gibellina. They left there for America around the turn of the century porting in Louisiana. Their names were Guiseppe Capo and Mary Palermo. All their children were born in Italy except their youngest son my husbands Father Sam Capo who was born in 1911. We the records we have found show Guiseppe’s father as Rose Capo. I would love to find out more about this family. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. as a guess rose capo would be be Rosario capo as Rose is not a Sicilian name.

      If you had the year of birth of Guisseppe or Maria Palermo I may be able to find their birth certs as Ive been doing lots research into Giobellina as I descended from that town.

      Antony Di Girolamo

  16. Hi, I am looking for any information on my grandmother, Isabella Fontana, and her parents, etc. Isabella was born in Gibellina and was one of at least four siblings, Rosaria, Giuseppi and Louis. Thank you.

  17. Ciao. I’m looking for any information on my Grandfather, Frank Bonanno, who was born in Gibellina and came to America when he was a teenager. Thank you.

    1. My grandfather had a brother named Francesco, (later Frank). Frank married Mary Asta. They lived in Kansas City.

  18. Looking for information on Francesco Fontana who married Vitina Ippolito in Gibellino Sicily Italy, they had a daughter Barbara Fontana before arriving in Louisana. They settled in Beaumont Texas and had two sons, Paul Frank Fontana and Anthony Joseph Fontana.

    1. Lynda

      Have you any DOB for Francesco and Vitina or date of marriage or year of marriage? I may be able to find birth and marriage cert for you.

      Ive been doing ;lots of research on my family in Gibellina and can easily find stuff out with dates.

      Antony Di Girolamo

      1. Antony,

        Francesco Fontana was born on Jan. 17, 1863 Vitina Ippolito Fontana was born on Jan. 1, 1873. I do not know the date of their Marriage, but they had a daughter Barbara Fontana, also born in Gibellina, Provincia di Trapani, Sicilia, Italy on July 26, 1895.

        Any Information you find would be greatly appricated.


        1. Lynda
          I found their marriage certificate they were married 21 April 1894 6.10pm.

          Francesco listed as borgese- land owner and this was like middle class
          Francescos father is listed-Paolo(paul)
          His mother listed akso she was Barbara Fiorenna

          Vita is listed as 20yrs old. Not vitina but vita. I found her birth cert its vita.
          Her parents are listed as antonino ippolito and maria agosta the mother.

          So you have the names of one generation back from them now.

      2. Hello Antony – I saw that you are doing research on families in Gibellina. I am looking for my grandfather’s birth certificate. He is from there and was born January 18, 1886. His name is Antonino Perello, or Antonio Perello. He boarded a ship – the Manilla – from Palermo and landed in New Orleans. Any help or advice you could give regarding how to get a copy of his birth certificate would be greatly appreciated.

        1. Hope
          I found an angelo pirrello born 1896 on 18 january. Found birth cert.
          You sure he wasnt angelo maybe they called him antonio as same birthday. No ither pirrello birn that year with antonii as name.
          If this is him i think it says his father was Giuseppe pirrello and his mum was rosaria tramonte
          I think it says he was born in via salerno no 26 but nit pisitive on street number.

        2. Hope
          I found an angelo pirrello born 1896 on 18 january. Found birth cert.
          You sure he wasnt angelo maybe they called him antonio as same birthday. No ither pirrello birn that year with antonii as name.
          If this is him i think it says his father was Giuseppe pirrello and his mum was rosaria tramonte
          I think it says he was born in via salerno no 26 but nit pisitive on street number.

        3. sorry 1886 on last post not 1896-angelo pirrello
          if this is him i looked up ellis island records and angelo entered ellis island then went to kenner Louisiana which is new orleans port. landed in ellis island 1907

  19. I’am searching for a Pietro Ballotta who was born in or about 1857. He departed from Palermo in 1886 aboard the Letimbro, and arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana USA on November 4, 1886. Any information regarding Mr. Ballotta would be greatly appreciated.

    1. I am also searching for an ancestor on the same ship. His name was Natole Tudora and arrived in Port of New Orleans on Nov. 4, 1886, aboard the Letimbro. Would be interested in any info that you may have received.

  20. Hi, I am searching for my family from gibellina. I had a great uncle, his name was santoro stallone.
    1905 was the date. He also had a brother gaspare guiseppe stallone.looking for any family connection.

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