Italian Dual Citizenship

How to apply for Italian Dual Citizenship

Italian Dual Citizenship request will be easy with the help of our local researchers .
If you already tried by yourself, you already know that dealing from far with an Italian Public Administration to get the necessary certificates can be a real nightmare!
Many officers can’t speak English and usually they are quite busy to reply to the requests by mail.

Then, remember that officers are not required by law to conduct genealogy researches in the archives. So, if you have not an exact date of an event (for example the exact birthdate of your ancestor) the officers very likely will not search for the record you need for your application and you will waste your time waiting for a reply to your request.

To overcome these problems we suggest you to hire our local experts . They live in the area so they will contact directly the offices in your ancestors’ towns/villages on your behalf and they will easily and quickly manage the whole communication with the officers.
You will overcome the unavoidable problems that the language difference can cause with the local bureaucracy (expecially in small villages).

italian dual citizenship

What do I need to apply for Italian Dual Citizenship?

Just give us the info you have about your ancestors (see the list below) and we will be back to you with a plan and a quote to get the certificates you need to go on with your request of Italian Dual Citizenship.

How long it will take to get certificates from Italy?

We understand that time can be an issue in many requests.
Usually it takes around 3 weeks/one month to get the requested documents to apply for Dual Citizenship request in Italy. In any case, please remember that dealing with public administration bureaucracy could take more time expecially in small villages.

How much does it cost to get certificates ?

At Italian Side we are always ready to study your cases and your requests.
After a first evaluation, we will prepare for you a research plan and a quote to get the necessary documents for your application.
Our quote will be inclusive of shipment cost by international registered mail.

Please remember: as more exact are the starting info you have (see the list below), as more effective (and cheap) will be the research of the exact documents .

What do I need to start the process to get my dual citizenship?

To ask for a quote, please follow this link or send an email to with the following information:

  • list of documents you need
  • the info you have about your italian ancestor(s) with:
    – your ancestor(s) full name(s),
    – his/her birthplace (or the province or region if you are not sure of the exact village)
    – his/her birthdate (or birth year or a range of years)

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Useful links :
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of the Interior – Italy

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