Genealogy in Petralia Sottana

If you search your ancestors in Petralia Sottana, in the province of Palermo, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Petralia Sottana

In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Palermo province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Petralia Sottana town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Petralia Sottana, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Petralia Sottana during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Petralia Sottana to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Petralia Sottana too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Petralia Sottana from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Petralia Sottana. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Petralia Sottana archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Palermo province are:
Aiello, Amato, Barone, Battaglia, Bruno, Caruso, Catalano, Costa, Cusimano, D’Amico, D’Angelo, Di Maggio, Di Salvo, Ferrante, Ferrara, Gambino, Geraci, Giordano, Greco, La Barbera, La Rosa, Lo Cascio, Lombardo, Macaluso, Mancuso, Maniscalco, Mannino, Marchese, Marino, Martorana, Mazzola, Messina, Mineo, Orlando, Palazzolo, Parisi, Pecoraro, Piazza, Randazzo, Rizzo, Romano, Russo, Sciortino, Siragusa, Taormina, Tarantino, Vassallo, Vitale.

Church Records in Petralia Sottana

Church archives in Palermo province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Petralia Sottana on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Petralia Sottana:

MADONNA DELLE NEVI – Piano Battaglia


Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Palermo

Address: Via Vittorio Emanuele, 31 – Palermo
Phone: +39 0912704001 .002 .003
Days and opening hours: monday – friday 08:00 – 18:00 saturday 08:00 – 13:30 weekly closing: Sunday and holidays; no reservation

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Petralia Sottana area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Petralia Sottana feel free to leave a message below.

19 thoughts on “Genealogy in Petralia Sottana”

  1. I am seeking information on the DiFiglia family was, one of whom my grandfather Giuseppe. His grandfather’s name may possibly have been Charles/Carlo.

  2. Good Evening Janice,

    I am familiar with the Purpi and very familiar with the Vicarisi families. I am a Vicarisi!

    I know the history and can answer your
    questions. Please ring me on my cell:

    I shall look forward to speaking with you.

  3. I am looking for information on the Purpi family, especially Pietro Purpi, born June 29, 1838 in Petralia Sottana. Pietro married Sebastiana Miseerindin who was born Nov 9, 1845. They had a son Eugenio Purpi who married Domenica Vicarisi. Dominica was th daughter of Guiio Vicarisi and Maria “Concetta” Miserindo. Guilio and Concettaimmigrated to the US in 1907 but seemed to have returned to Italy. Any information on the families would be vry appreciated.

    1. Buongiorno Janice,

      I am familiar with the Purpi family and the Vicarisi family. Have been to Petralia Sottana many times.

  4. I am researching my grandfather’s family. I located his Great Grand Father (Pietro Bifarella 1772 – ?) in Petralia Sottana. He was married to Antonina Rinaldi (1776 – 1846). Antonina’s death record (Petralia Sottana) in 1846 shows she was a widow. A child’s marriage record shows Pietro alive in 1839 and another child marriage record show him as deceased in 1845. I have reviewed all death record indexes and each death document in Petralia Sottana from 1838 to 1846 without finding Pietro’s death record. Ant recommendations of where to search next. Thanks!

  5. my great grandfather was born in petralia sottana his name was Natale Federico 1859-1938 his wife was giusippina troina federico 1870-1946 i would appreciate it if you can give me any information on their lives and when they came to the usa thank you

  6. My Grandfather and Grandmother were born in Petralia Sottano.
    His name is Michael Lomauro and she was Vincenza Bongivanni. They came to the US late 1800s. I would appreciate it if you have any information on them.

  7. My grandfathers name is Natale David and Born on the 26-12-1888 in Petralia Sottana. We have No information about him. Do you have information about him. Thanks a lot. Best regards, Natale David

  8. I am the great son in law of Francesco Tulipano and his wife Josephine Murgia. They had a son who’s name was Michael Tulipano and was born 08 May 1908.
    Please send me any information you have on this family.

  9. Desidero sapere chi erano i genitori di Intrivici Maria nata a Petralia Sottana intorno al 1830 morta il 28-02 1905 e se aveva fratelli e/osorelle.
    Fu sposata con Abbate Mariano

    1. My wife’s great grandmother was Giuseppina Abbate (1857-1931) who was married to Sak
      Lavatories Profita (1843-1930). They came from Petralia Sottana to USA about 100 years ago. Giuseppina was daughter of Vincenzo Abbate (1827 -____) and Oriole Leto (1836-____) and gran daughter of Serfino Abbate (~1781-____) and Marie DiGangi (~1790-____) . Do you have further information regarding Abbate or Profita families in Petralia Sottana? Mi dispiace that I cannot to you in Italian.

  10. Do you have any information on the Scelfo family. My husbands grandparents, Giuseppe Scelfo and Maria Cerami were born there in 1869 and 1872. We can’t go back any earlier than that. Thanks

  11. I’d like any information on the Rinaldi family from Petralia Sottana. Paolo Rinaldi and Gandolpha Li Puma had the following children: Elizabeth b. 1880, Francesca bon 1885, Anthony born 1894, Rosa born 1895 and Santa b. abt 1900. Francesca was married to Guiseppi Domino abt. 1903 or 1904.

  12. My surname is Petralia and I was told by my Aunt that we are descents of the Petralia Sottana. I would like to try and do some research on my family tree. I know my father was Louis Petralia and his parents were Mary and Charles Petralia.

  13. Desidero sapere i dati anagrafici e il nome dei genitori di mia nonna Intrivici Anna Maria sposata con Intrivici Giuseppe nato il 25 sett. 1874 morto in 8 genn. 1945

  14. My grand father was from upper petralia and came to the United States in the early 1900 ‘s. Which town is associated with upper petralia

    1. Petralia Soprana is the upper town, elevation 1,109 meters (3,638 feet). Petralia Sottana is the lower town, elevation 1,039 meters (3,409 feet).

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