Genealogy in Alia

If you search your ancestors in Alia, in the province of Palermo, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Alia

In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Palermo province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Alia town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Alia, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Alia during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Alia to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Alia too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Alia from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Alia. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Alia archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Palermo province are:
Aiello, Amato, Barone, Battaglia, Bruno, Caruso, Catalano, Costa, Cusimano, D’Amico, D’Angelo, Di Maggio, Di Salvo, Ferrante, Ferrara, Gambino, Geraci, Giordano, Greco, La Barbera, La Rosa, Lo Cascio, Lombardo, Macaluso, Mancuso, Maniscalco, Mannino, Marchese, Marino, Martorana, Mazzola, Messina, Mineo, Orlando, Palazzolo, Parisi, Pecoraro, Piazza, Randazzo, Rizzo, Romano, Russo, Sciortino, Siragusa, Taormina, Tarantino, Vassallo, Vitale.

Church Records in Alia

Church archives in Palermo province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Alia on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Alia:

S. ANNA – Via Garibaldi

S. ANNA – Via Garibaldi

Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Palermo

Address: Via Vittorio Emanuele, 31 – Palermo
Phone: +39 0912704001 .002 .003
Days and opening hours: monday – friday 08:00 – 18:00 saturday 08:00 – 13:30 weekly closing: Sunday and holidays; no reservation

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Alia area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Alia feel free to leave a message below.

70 thoughts on “Genealogy in Alia”

  1. Looking to locate relatives of Giatano Libero Sedita. 1894 moved to TX, USA. He would uave been my Great Great Grandfather.

  2. Hi, My name is Theresa Beaubouef Purcell. My great grandmother Anna DiMarco was born 21 October 1897 in Alia, Palermo. Her parents were Rosalino DiMarco and Sanda Laduco. Do you have any birth record, baptismal record and/or death certificate of any of these family members?

    My great grandfather Giacamo Battaglia was baptized on 1 August 1882 in Montemaggiore Belsito, Palermo, Italy. He was thought to have been from Alia. HIs parents were Antonino Battaglia and Anna Castiglia.

    Do you have any information?

  3. I would like to find the death certificate for my husband’s great Grandmother. Her name was Calogera Battaglia. Her birth certificate shows she was born in Alia on 05 Dec 1869 to Vincenzo Battaglia and Santa Nocita. Witnesses were Luigi Oddo and Vincenzo Battaglia. The marriage record from The Town Hall of Alia shows a date of 23 January 1897 for Calogera Battaglia and Salvatori Vicari, born and residing in Alia, son of the late Vito Vicari and the living Giovanna Maria Cirilla Esposta.

    Calogera’ s husband, Salvatori, has a birth record showing a date of 21 Mar 1873. He left Sicily and traveled to the US, and later, his two daughters were sent to live with him. We believe Calogera may have died around 1910 in Alia.

    Please let me know how I might receive a record of her death. And, also, is it possible to learn of her parents’ death? Thank you very much, Daria

  4. I am looking for information on Dr.Antonino Maria Grazia Spadaro married to Rosalia Carmela Guccione in 1862, Alia, Palermo, Sicilia.

  5. Looking for the last name LaGrande first name Giuseppe/Joseph Trying to find out where my great grandfather came from. Is the last name is familiar please contact me I would appreciate it. Thank you

  6. My Grandfather is Anthony Guy Todaro and his Father is Salvadore Todaro and his mother Rosa Magro Todaro. I’m just trying to see if I have any family anywhere!

  7. My great grandfather was Vincenzo Notarianni. He was from Alia and he married (christine) Granata who also came from Alia. I’d like to know about the Granata side since the last living Notarianni who Still lived in Alia died the day before I got there to Alia.
    Thank you

  8. My Great Grandmother, Maria Grazia Ganci (Valenza – married last name), immigrated to American and then went back to Alia, Sicily where she was from with her 4 children and then passed away in Alia on 22 OCT 1928. I found the record that shows her death in a record “Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974” but I am trying to find a grave or cemetery. Does anyone have links to cemeteries in Alia or other options that I could look into for this detail? Thank you in advance for any help. Laura

  9. My grandfather John Pistone was born and raised in Alia. In his 20’s he came to the US and lived in Chicago. My grandmother was Millie (Phyllis) Scafidi.

    I have cousins that I met several years ago while in Alia named Costanza.

    Does anyone know anything about them?

    1. My third great grandfather was named Philip costanza, he was naturalized in 1939 in Mississippi he was also born in Alia ! If you find anything please let me know !

  10. I’m looking for information on my grandfather Ciro Todero who came to the US through the Port of New Orleans. He was born in Alia.

  11. Tony says,
    Looking for information on Sernolo Pietro Giovanni di Andrea, born Alia, about 1885, married to Caccamissi di Orazio. Lived in Vallecolmo until 1893.

    1. I am also looking for the Biondolilo family, mine would have resided in Harris County, Texas when they came over. I believe Joe and Camilla were the first of mine to come to the U.S.

      1. Name Santo Biondo Different Salvatore ‘Sam’ Santi Biondo
        Mother Calogera Borcellona Match Calogera Maria Barcellona
        Father Giuseppe Esposito Biondo Match Giuseppe Esposito Biondo
        Birth 28 Oct 1861 Alia, Palermo, Italy Different 18 October 1863 Alia, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy

        (“Esposito” = exposed. as in abandoned/ orphaned) so somewhere in the history….)

        Definitely Houston.

    2. Most of the Biondolillo family that arrived in New Orleans, La. ended up in the Houston, Harris, Texas area.

  12. I would like information on my great grandparents born in alia. My grandfather was Salvatore LoBue and his wife was Angelina LoBue

  13. I have been trying to get copies of both my great great grandparents birth certificates and their marriage license. They both were born in Alia, in 1885 and 1884. I have been unable to get the office in Palermo to help me.

  14. This is amazing! So many from the town my Grandparents came from, Alia, traveled to New Orleans also! My Grandmother was Maria Grazia Andolina, and my Grandfather was Salvatore- I’ve also seen Solvan- Conciardi.( also seen spelled Conciardi) Their name got changed when the came through in Louisiana, I think in 1901 to Cuciardi, then to Conjerti. They stayed in New Orleans for a while, then up the coast to Pennsylvania finally settling in Niagara Falls, New York. I heard stories that one of them had family with them on the boat that went out west after they got to America, but was never confirmed. I’d love to find family here in the US or still in Alia!

  15. I received from Alia my great-grandfather’s, Joe Bonfanti, birth certificate. He arrived at the Port of New Orleans in 1897 to live for 8 years in Natchez before relocating to Baton Rouge

  16. My Grandfather was Joe Todaro, born 12-25-1875 in Alia. On or about March 15, 1896, he married Filomina (sp?)who’s maiden name was Bairaro (sp?) and they had a daughter, Angelina. I’m looking for Joe Todaro’s parents, my great-grandparents. My grandfather immigrated to the US in 1898. Also, my grandmother Frances Todaro was first married to Giuseppe Pinto; am looking for her parents, her mother’s name possibly Maria Bruna or Bruno or Bonano. Thank you.

  17. My great grandmother who’s last name was bavuso I found info with her name last name volpe and also barbon. And iv e it being bavuso-volpe. But no one no anything about the other names. And I her mother’s maiden name but no first name I was told they were from alia but not positive if anyone can help me because I’m stuck and can not go any farther

  18. From my grandfather’s birth certificate, I find that his parents were born in Alia,Italy. Their names were Antonino Leago and Rosalie Sedita Leago. Together they had 11 children with my grandfather being the youngest. It is stated that he was a farmer. We know that they ended up in Houston,Texas and little to nothing else.
    I would love any and all information to be able to fill in my family tree.
    Thank you for any help that you may be able to provide.

    1. My grandfather was Frank Leago ( Francesco Loiacono). He and my Grandmother Josephine Angie (Giuseppe Ganci) were born in Alia and came to America. They had a small farm off of Yale St. where we all grew up. You may check the names LoIacono, Loiacono, LoJacono as a lot of the names were changed once they came here.

      1. Hello Billy. I am curious what year your grandmother Josephine Angie Ganci was born and her parents names…do you happen to know. I have a Ganci line and one of my great grandmother’s siblings was named Giusepina “Josephine” GANGI (BIRTH ABT. 1876 • Italy). I am sure she is not your grandmother but I have a suspicion that we may share a family line via the Ganci name. Do you happen to have DNA tests? Or a Family tree? Hope this finds you well. I know your post is from a couple years ago. I just found this page. Best Regards, Laura

    2. Alia is a bueatiful in the mountains of Sicily. I was afforded the opportunity to travel there in the 70s.if u have family there it shouldn’t be dificult to find them..when I say small I mean I’ve never seen a town like it.absoulutly incredible…..

  19. I am a widow and trying to find out information on my Father in Law, for my Son’s family tree. There is no family members left to ask.
    My Husbands father’s name was Giuseppe/Guiseppe Iovino, he later changed it to Joseph Ovino. He was born in Alia,Palermo,Sicily Nov. 1881. I believe he went from Sicily to New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, because that is where he settled. I know he was in Louisiana, USA in 1904. I want to find out his Father/Mother names. Where would I look? Unable to hire someone to look for me.

  20. My grandfather, Salvatore Cimo, was born in Alia in 1883 to Antonino Cimo and Barbara Panepinto. He immigrated to the United States probably through New Orleans as a young man. He disappeared from his home in Waco, Texas, in1939 and the last known whereabouts I can find for him was in 1945 in Phoenix, Arizona. We feel he may have gone back to Sicily and died there. I hope to find a death record and finally solve the mystery of what happened to my grandfather. My mother (his daughter) is 90 years old and I would love to find out what happened to him before she passes. Any help you can provide would be very appreciated.
    Thank you, Camille

    1. Hi Camille,

      I found your story very interesting. My relatives came from Alia as well. My great grandfather, Carlo (I still think his name was lost in translation) Di Carlo and his wife Rosaria Cimo first settled in Charleroi PA then moved to (I was told Houston) to be with relatives that lived down there. I have a very good feeling that Salvatore and my great grandmother were closely related. I don’t have access to my family tree but I remember seeing it and I thought Antonino Cimo was my great great grandfather. I am going to try to confirm with my aunt later on this week. At the very least, I am sure there weren’t a lot of different Cimo families living in Alia. 🙂
      Take care,

      1. Hello. I noticed that you mentioned Charleroi, PA. Both of my parents are from Alia (Damiano Falcone 1932-2011 and Anna Sangiorgio Buffamante Falcone 1937-present). My maternal grandparents migrated to Charleroi in the late 1920’s early 30’s before returning back to Alia in the mid 30’s. My maternal grandparents were Salvatore Sangiorgio Buffamante and Laura Drago Buffamante. I have heard the “Cimo” name mentioned in family discussions!

    2. Hi Camille,

      I am getting a copy of our family tree. We are related. Salvatore was born in 1885 and died in 1957 as far as what I have been told by my aunt. Once I get a hold of our family tree, I will let you know.
      Both Salvatore (my great grandfather and Antonio (my great great grandfather)will be documented on our family tree.

      Take care,


        1. i am just seeing all these references that we might be related! i am most interested in where Salvatore died. I cannot find anything about his death. Can someone email me?

      1. Hello Jeff, just checking back to see if you have any info on where Salvatore “Sam” Cimo died. How do I find your family tree? Are you related to Camille Cimo? Are we allowed to communicate via gmail email addresses?

        Camille H

    3. Camille my grandparents also came from Alia i think your grandfather and my grandfather possibly could have been brothers as his parents were Antonino and Barbara A Panepinto my grandfather Joseph was the first born he came to america around 1885 0r 6 he wasmarried to concetta concialdi in 1898 in alia or palermo they had 4 sons anthony my dad ,sam. phillip and otto they lived in waco tx sam lived in houston,

      camille cimo

      1. Hi Camille, My Grandparent’s were also from Alia and I think we could also be related. The names of your grandparents turned up in my ancestry as well, and those names except Otto are the same as my Dad and his brother’s but were through out the family! I’d love to find out more!

      2. My great-great-great grand mother was Elizabertta Panepinto who married a Josefi Taulli. Their daughter Rosa married Carlo S. Cardinale. Their daughter Mary immigrated to America via New Orleans ending up in Colorado

        1. Hi Laura,

          We share the same Great-Great-Great Grandparents. Rosalia and Carlo Cardinale are my Great Grandparents, their Son Dominick whose name was actually Dominio was my Grandfather they all immigrated from Alia and somehow ended up in Napoleonville, LA then moved on to Pueblo, CO. His son Soule who lived in Harvey, LA is my Father however he passed in 1981. Soule had a sister named Rose and a brother named Carl. I was able to connect with Debbie Samsone through who lived in Pueblo, Colorado who shared some information with me. She passed a few years back however he told me that she was a member of the “Cash” Family and that there was an “Aunt Rose” who was in her nineties at the time who was the Godmother of my Father and she had a picture of him when he was a young boy. I would love to find out more! I plan on visiting Italy real soon.


      3. Hello Camille,

        It is exciting to find distance relatives!!! Yes, I do believe our grandfathers were brothers. Salvatore Cimo was my grandfather but I don’t know much about him and never met him. I have tried to find out when and where he died but maybe Jeffrey has more info. Did you ever know Salvatore or ever hear anything about him? I wish we could email each other privately and share info.


    4. hi my grandfather was also Salvatore Cimo… aunts still live in Alia and we live in NJ.. My mother Angelina Cimo now lives in NJ my dad family is Martino. Wonder if were related ?

  21. The families of both of my mother’s parents came from Alia to New Orleans.

    My great grandmother Annie Barcelona was born January 8, 1879 in Alia. Her parents were Salvador Barcelona and Congetta Termini. The parents of Congetta Termini (born November 14, 1851) were Raimondo Termini (who may have been a shoemaker) and Anna Ferrara.

    My other great grandmother Liboria Mary Alberta Sedita was born October 15, 1873 in Alia. Her father was Louis Sedita.

    I will be arriving in Palermo later this month on May 29th and hope to go to Alia later that day or the next day to see if I can find any family. I only have a short time as I will be joining a group of ladies to tour Sicily for 10 days. Would love to find my roots and any help you can give would be wonderful.

    1. My great grandmother’s name was Annie Barcelona..born 1877. then married my great grandfather Anthony Salvatore Runfalo. 1852.. born in Alia… my grandfather was born in new Orleans…do these birth years correlate? did you find anything out?

      1. Just double checked.. because I re read you said 1879.. but the listing I got was 1877… same January 8th though…

  22. I am related to Rosalia Centanni who married Vitale Sciacca. Their children were Franceso, Maria, Leonardo, Anna, Antonion, Francesco Gisueppe and maybe more. My great great grandmother was Anna Rosalia Centanni. My great grandmother was Concetta Calderella. I am looking for Damiano, Calderella, Fatta, Sciacca and Compiere relatives that lived in Alia or Palermo. My records show all lived in Alia.

    1. Hello Michelle, My name is Julie. My direct line in my paternal grandfather’s family were from Alia and surrounding towns. I have been researching the Fatta’s back to the early 1800’s.

      Caldarella is also in my direct line through Concetta Caldarella born about 1800 and died in 1870.
      Her parents were Michele Caldarella (1760-1835, son of Rosario Caldarella and Agata Geraci) and Maddalena Nasca (1775-1835).
      Michele’s son, brother to my Concetta b.1800), was Luciano/Cruciano Caldarella (1789-1869) and was married to Maria Fatta (1788-1862, daughter of Nicolo Fatta and Maria Giambruni/Giambrone).
      Luciano/Cruciano Caldarella and Maria Fatta had son MIchele Salvatore Caldarella (1813-1898) who married Anna Rosalia Sciacca (1825-1907, daughter of Vitale Sciacca and Rosalia Centanni)…

      I would be happy to produce a tree linking us through Caldarella’s from Alia to make it more clear.
      Thank you, Julie

  23. My Grandfather was Charles Drago and
    His Father was Angelo Drago and his wife
    Was Maria Churchill
    My mother rest her soul said she though
    His family came from Alia Italy
    Do you know of any Drago’s from Alia
    I am from Plaquemine, Louisiana
    And so was my mother and grandparents
    Thanks for your assistance

    1. Concetta Termini, daughter of Raimondo ( listed as a shoemaker)And Anna Ferrara. Could your ggrandfather have been Luigi (1834) married Angela Genovisi in 1858.?

      There are several Salvadore Barcellona born in 1850. Parents Guiseppe, Giovanni, Gaetano– mothers were Russo, Ditta, Napoli…

      The Catholic Church there have records back to at least 1859. Try writing the church to see if you can view the records. Take pictures if you find any.

    2. Hello Luke.
      My maternal grandmother’s name was Laura Drago. Her daughter, my mother Anna, is still living. My grandmother passed in the 1980’s. She was married to my grandfather, Salvatore Sangiorgio Buffamante. One of their children, my uncle Tony St. George (changed his name) lived in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I will ask my mother about Drago relatives.

  24. my grandfather was from alia and came to America thru New Orleans with the last name Rotolo. Do you have any information on that family?

  25. My mom was adopted and we are searching for our roots in Sicily! Through DNA testing, we think it extremely likely that our ancestors were from Alia and perhaps Cerda. I would love to plan a trip there, especially if I can find more info on our heritage.

  26. My grandfather, Salvador Salemi, was born in Alia in 1885 and was an orphan. I’m trying to find out how to write to a church or churches in Alia to get his birth certificate. I would appreciate any information.

  27. I am looking for information about Francesco Ruspoli born in 1886 and his wife Concetta Traina, born in 1884. They emigrated to New Orleans in 1907 and 1910. I am also looking for information about Francesco La Rosa born in 1873 and his wife Gaetana Barelle born in 1874. They emigrated to New Orleans in 1899. These are all my great great grandparents and I am searching for their parents’ names and any other information for geneological research. Thank you!!

  28. For favor; I am searching for family in Alia, Palermo, Sicily. My grandfather, Salvatore Guccione was born in Alia. He was born in 1876. Left 1905 for United States. Married in 1902 to Lucia Riili. His father was Gioacchino Vincenzo Guccione, married to Anna Maria Falcone. My grandmother Lucia Riili, father Angelo Riili, married to Rosario Guccione. Looking for brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles to contact.

    1. my great grandmother was born in Alia, Sicily, and her maiden name was Rielli–at least that is how we have seen it spelled, but I have also seen it spelled Riili…her first name was Joanna (perhaps Gianna in Italian), and she was born around 1880…I wonder if Angelo Riilli could have been her brother…I know nothing more of the Rielli/Riilli family in Alia…do you?

    2. My husband’s great grandmother (bis nonna) was Mercuria Liboria Guccione who married Antonino Rosario Centanni. I am tracing all the Guccione’s from Alia. Please join me on wikitree where I have a Guccione Name Study set up.The Guccione’s seem to have been local nobility, as they built a palace at the top of the hill in Alia next to the Matrice church that is so famous there.

    3. Guccione is my family line and includes a Gioacchino Guccione, born Oct 30, 1852 in Alia, my 2nd great uncle and possibly your great grandfather. He was born into a family of 7 female siblings and only 1 male sibling, my great grandfather Matteo Guccione. I was disappointed that Icouldn’t find anything more on Gioacchino; no wife, chldren. I’m wondering if my Gioacchino could be the father of your Gioacchino Vincenzo Guccione? It might seem far fetched to you but I have a pretty thourgh collection on the Guccione descendants and you may have one of my few missing pieces!

      1. The timing sounds about right from great grandfather, Gioacchino. I don’t know to much about my Sicilian relatives. I believe my great grand father was married twice. I know a little about Gioacchino in that he had a least three children, My grand father Salvatore and two others, Don’t have much info on the others. I know he was married to Maria Riili about 19but that about it. The Gioacchino Guccione was my uncle, one of 5 children. He and my grand mother had. Gioacchino, Guessepa(spelling?), Salvatore, Antonino, and Vincenzo. The first two were born in Alia, Siciliy and the rest in the USA. I believe it was in Wood River, IL. That is where my grand father settled after spending a couple of years in Louisiana working. Seems he snuck out of Sicily because he killed a man. The family has been there since. I live in the area now. Sorry about how long it took to send a reply but I lost this genelogy site.
        All for now- John

  29. Hello, I am trying to find out if I have Jewish ancestory. I’ve found many names dating back to the late 1700;s. All on my grandmothers side. Lupo, Cardinale, DiMaggio, Todaro, Cutrona, Mascarella,

    Most of these family names came from Alai.

    Would like some info on what it may cost?



    1. My paternal grandfather came from Alia & our last name is Cardinal, I know it was shortened from either Cardinale or Cardinali. My grandfathers first name was Anthony & was born in1900. He was only 4 or5 when he, his father John & stepmother came to the U.S. they settled in Niagara Falls NY area. I know nothing else about the family. My grandfathers mother died when he was around 3 yrs old in Alia. I have relatives according to 23 & me by the last names of: Rilli, DeCarlo, Viveritto, Vicari, Miceli, D’Ana, Caltigirone, Capodici, Valardo, Borelli, Piazza, DiPiazza, Siragusa, Syracuse, Lombardi, Fiorella, DeFelice, Zulkie, Razziano, Runfola, Biondolillo, Panipinto, DiMarco, Rotolo, Indolino, Barbusco & more. I’m not sure if they are All from Alia though!

  30. Searching for current relatives in Alia or Italy. I live in New Orleans and want to plan a trip there. I know my grandfather’s name, when he left Alia, the ship he left on. I am very interested in creating a family tree.

    1. What surnames are you searching for? My husband is related to hundreds of people with Alia roots who live or did live in New Orleans.

        1. My wife’s people were Russo’s from Alia…Here dad Jiachino (Jack).and Marie Grace Russo…Jack changed his name to Rousso….Always regretted that..I have information but they were here before 1907…They came to New Orleans….My Grandfather .Leoluca Grizzaffi and his Wife Virginia Russo were born Corleone….He came to New Orleans in 1894 and settled in Morgan City….Cell 985 312 4019

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