Genealogy in Montevago

If you search your ancestors in Montevago, in the province of Agrigento, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Montevago

In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Agrigento province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Montevago town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Montevago, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Montevago during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Montevago to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Montevago too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Montevago from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Montevago. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Montevago archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Agrigento province are:
Alaimo, Amato, Argento, Arnone, Bellavia, Bono, Burgio, Butera, Cacciatore, Carlino, Castronovo, Ciaccio, Cipolla, Colletti, Costanza, Cuffaro, Cusumano, Di Caro, Ferraro, Gallo, Gambino, Giardina, Greco, Iacono, Indelicato, La Porta, La Rocca, Lauricella, Licata, Lombardo, Mangione, Maniscalco, Marino, Messina, Miceli, Montalbano, Morreale, Mule’, Palumbo, Patti, Piazza, Rizzo, Russo, Sanfilippo, Tuttolomondo, Vaccaro, Vella, Volpe.

Church Records in Montevago

Church archives in Agrigento province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Montevago on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Montevago:

SS. PIETRO E PAOLO – Baracca Chiesa Madre

Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Agrigento

Address: via Mazzini, 185 – Agrigento
Phone: +390922602400
Days and opening hours: from monday to friday 8.00 – 18.00; saturday 8.30 – 13.30. weekly closing: Sunday; no reservation

Archivio di Stato di Agrigento. Deposito sussidiario
Address: via Piersanti Mattarella, 237 – Agrigento
Phone: +39 0922602400
Days and opening hours: 9:00 – 13:00; no reservation

Archivio di Stato di Agrigento. Sezione di Sciacca
Address: via Figuli, 28/30 – Sciacca
Phone: 092524896
Days and opening hours: monday: 08,30-13,45 tuesday: 08,30-13,45;14,30-17,15 wednesday: 08,30-13,45 thursday: 08,30-13,45;14,3-17,15 friday: 08,30-13,45 saturday: 08,30-13,45 weekly closing: Sunday; no reservation

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Montevago area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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8 thoughts on “Genealogy in Montevago”

  1. I am looking to find information about my grandfathers family. (Giuseppe Maggio 02/16/1894-02/14/1972) HIs parents were Gaetano 12/1/1849 and his mother was Antonina Lamberti…born around 1859. I mostly wondered what they did for a living and Antonina’s correct spelling and date of birth or any other documents you could provide. I am not sure how to go about this. Thank you so much for your help!

  2. Would like to find out more about my maternal great-grandparents. (The parents of my grandfather – on my mom’s side).
    They are from Termini and their names are Lorenzo Rizzo and Frances (Lazio) Rizzo.
    * Frances’s mother’s name was Maria Lazio (Campagna). And her father’s name was Antonio Lazio.

  3. I believe my great grandpa was from
    Montevago. And quite possibly my grandmother. His name was Felipe Corso and her’s Grace. My grandfather may have also been born there roughly 1891. His name Leonardo Corso. My grandmother was Gaetana DiMaria

    1. My great-grandfather was born in Montivago,Palermo,Providence of Agriento.He came to America around May of 1906 on the SS Vincenzo Florio,which he landed in New Orleans. Is name was Giovanni DiMaria.When he came to the states,he was known as John DiMaria.I am looking for any distant relatives..I really do not know how to start looking for any distant relatives..If anyone can help me,I would really,really appreciate it….

  4. My mother is Sandra DeMaio Milota… her grandfather, my great grandfather was Pasquae or Pasquael DeMaio – born in Montevago, Agigento, Sicilia on August 24, 1897. His parents were Calogero DeMaio and Pietrina Beatrice Beninati. We are looking for any family that are living in Montevago or the area. We are planning a trip to Italy from the United States in 2019. That gives us some time to find people and details about our family.

  5. I know both my great grandparents were born in montevago. Calogero Adamo (1880) and Rosalia Di Maria (1885). Looking for more information on their families.

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