Genealogy in Palo del Colle

If you search your ancestors in Palo del Colle, in the province of Bari, Puglia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Palo del Colle

In towns and villages of Puglia and in Bari province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Palo del Colle town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Palo del Colle, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Palo del Colle during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Palo del Colle to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Puglia and of course in Palo del Colle too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Palo del Colle from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Palo del Colle. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Palo del Colle archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Bari province are:
Altamura, Basile, Bellomo, Bianco, Bruno, Campanella, Caputo, Carbonara, Carella, Cassano, Catalano, Clemente, Colella, Colonna, Colucci, De Gennaro, De Palma, De Santis, Fanelli, Fiore, Gadaleta, Gentile, Giordano, Laera, Laterza, Leone, Lippolis, Longo, Lorusso, Losito, Mancini, Marinelli, Minervini, Nitti, Palmisano, Paparella, Pepe, Pinto, Pugliese, Ranieri, Rizzi, Ruggiero, Rutigliano, Santoro, Savino, Signorile, Simone, Spinelli.

Church Records in Palo del Colle

Church archives in Bari province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Puglia started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Palo del Colle on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Palo del Colle:

S. GIUSEPPE – P.zza A. Diaz, 39

S. MARIA ASSUNTA – Via XX Settembre

S. MARIA LA PORTA – P.zza della Minerva

S. VITO – Via Caracciolo

SPIRITO SANTO – Viale Europa

Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Palo del Colle area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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61 thoughts on “Genealogy in Palo del Colle”

  1. I’m looking for information about my Grandmother, Angelina Tursi, born in 1887 Palo del Colle (Bari)
    Also my Grandfather Francis Albergo born 1876 in Palo del Colle or Bari. Can you please help me get information regarding my grandparents. Thank you, Angela

  2. I’m looking for relatives which I understand still live in Bari. Family name is Imbasciani. Great grandfather from Palo de Colle. They had a small olive farm called Casino Imbasciani near by. How can I find these records? Can you help me? I’d love to visit this area and possibly connect with some family members.

  3. I’m looking for information on Francesco Stallone, born in 1889, and his wife Anna Pedone, also born in 1889, both in Palo del Colle.

    They married and then immigrated to the US in 1912. I am looking for any information on them, their families – past and present. I’m hoping to connect with any family who may still be in the area.

  4. I am looking for informaton about my grandfather Guisseppe Poliseno who was born in Palo del Colle and died therre too. He married Rosina Giovannielloin America in 1910 and travelled to America many times. He had 5 children Giovanna, Guisseppe, Angelo (Charles), Grazia (Grace) Rosetta. Only two of his children were born in Palo del Colle…Guisseppe 12/16/1914 and Rosetta born in Auguest 1924. Whatever information you can give me I would appreciate as I have wanted to have my citizenship in Italy for as long as I can remember. As far as I know my great grandparents lived and died in Italy too. Angelo Giovanniello married to Grazia….and Guisseppe Poliseno maried to Giovanna. Please help me as I am getting older and my dream is to have dual citizenship. Thank you and God bless you.

  5. Hello, I am looking for information about my Grandfather Domenico Muciaccia from Palo del Colle. He immigrated in the 1900’s. He was born 8/2/1896. I am planning a trip next October, 2021 if permitted and would like to visit your town. Thank you, Jane

  6. I am looking for information on my grandfather Onofrio Neglia who was born in Palo de Colle, Bari- March 25, 1879. Came to America around 1908-1909 and settled in NYC and had 7 children.

  7. My Mom Anna Minerva was born in Baari in a town called Palo Del Col in 1906 She cam to America (Brooklyn NY) in 1920 and Lived in Brooklyn New York .until 1956 My Dad was born in Napels. . My Brother Vincent Petrucci and I were both born in Brooklyn NY. We moved to North Hollywood Calif in 1956 . My Brother lives in San Diego CA and I live in Lenexa, Kansas

    1. I have Minera’s in my family tree. My great great grandmother was a Minervaalso my 4th great grandmother all born in Palo Del Colle. My grandmother was also born in palo, immigrated from palo to Brooklyn NY, I her maiden name was Lanzellotto. I also have DNA matches on ancestry with the name Minerva

  8. I am searching for information on my great grandfather. Sadly I don’t have the most accurate information as it wasn’t documented in America accurately. His birthday was estimated as 1/2/1903. His name that he went by was Louis Lucent. I’m not sure of the accuracy of the last name. He came to america as a stow away on a boat with at least one sibling.

  9. My mother’s family came to New York in the early 1900’s. Her father John came first followed by his wife, Sabina and three daughters Marianna, Mary and Angelina. Their last name was Gaeto. We hope to visit the Bari area this fall and would love to find some information on my ancestors. Any leads or information you could give me would be gratefully appreciated.

  10. l’m trying to find some information about my grandparents in Polo del Colle, my father Angelo Sblendorio was born March 5 1905. My grandfather, name was Giuseppe Sblendorio and. My grandmothers. Name was Laura. I would like anyinformation about my family in that area.
    Thank you.

    1. Sam, have you received any information? My wife’s name is Sblendorio and her Grandfather was Domenico Sblendorio born in 1888 My grandfather was Vincenzo Bitetto born in 1896? they both came from Palo. My wife and I are going there 9/14/18 and meeting some cousins from the US.

      1. Vincent, I was doing a little research on my family. I see that your grandfather and I have the same last name. My great great grandfather was from Palo. He was named Francesco (b 1894). I have done some research on the family so might be able to make some connections. Thanks.

      2. I see that your grand father was Vincenzo Bitetto. I had a great uncle in New York called by the same name. His wife was Maria and they had 2 daughters called Gerry and Angie.
        Is this your grand father?

  11. My grandfather Donato Santoro is either from Palo del Colle or Giovinazzo or Modugno, born August 30, 1903. His father was Giuseppe Santoro and his mother was (I think) Anna Straziota.

    Donato came to the US in 1920 on the ship America sailing from Napoli.

    I’m taking a trip to Italy in March and plan to visit Bari/Modugno/Palo del Colle so I’d like to try to get some genealogical information while I’m there.

  12. All of my grandparents are from your town. My paternal grandfather was Vito Colonna, born 1890s? His father was Girolemon ? Colonna, mother Maria or Domenica. His wife’s name was Maria Albergo/Alberico, born 1894? My maternal grandfather was Domenico Guido, father named Felice and mother Ann. His wife was Nicoletta Troiano, father Vito or Giuseppe, mother Rose.

    Please tell me if my info is correct and any siblings they may have had.


  13. I would like to get my grandfather’s birth certificate. He was born on 21 June 1902, his name was Luigi Frank Muscatiello. He was born In Polo del Colle. He left ifor America n 1921.
    I would also like to contact any relatives that may be still living in Polo delColle.
    Thank you so very much for any help you may give me

    1. I am looking for the marriage record for : Maria Polignano b.March 18, 1878 & Alcibiade Poli.
      Also any info re: her parents: Giacomo Polignano & Maddalena Genco. Maria was b in Putignano & I found her daughters birth record : Ida Isolina Poli b 8/8/1898 in Palo, Bari.

      Any help would be appreciated.

  14. In researching my husband, Savino Mercurio’s) ancestors, I found a Eufemia Guida born 1820. I want to know if she is the child of Domenico Mercurio and Eufemia Guida. She was born 1820.

    I do not know if I am on the right track since their seems to be many Mercurios, Stallone and Carlucci.


    Thank you.

  15. Je souhaiterais avoir des précisions quant à mes ancêtres:
    matrimonio de Filippo Ciquera, nato 09-06-1862 et Agnese SCARPETTA, vers 1878/80 ?
    Sigismondo Ciquera, nato a Gioia et Vita Cecilia GIRARDI vers 1890/92 ?
    les numero de “Atti di matrimonio” ?

  16. Hi I was interested in finding out how to obtain a copy of my parents birth certificates. My father Matteo Barbaro was born in Palo dell Colle in March 1894. He had a brother Vito who died in WWI IN Italy and another brother Thomas who came to America. He had a half sister Anna who became a nun. My mother Carmela Baconia was born in June 1897. I would love to know also if I have any living relatives there. I am new to all this… any help would be so very much appreciated. Thank you.

  17. My father was born in Palo del Colle around 1900. His name was Antonio Cassandra. His parents were Nicole and Vincenza Cassandra. I am trying to find out how many other children they had and what their names were.

  18. I believe 3 of my grandparents came from Polo del Colle or the neighboring towns. The surnames would be Montello, Mesagno and Lanzisera (may not be spelled correctly). Any info you could provide would be appreciated. I know that we still have family (Lanzisera) that still live in the area. Would love to make contact.
    First names might help :). Vincenzo Montello; Bounventura Mesagno; and Rose Marie Lanzisera.

  19. I am looking for information on my grandfather Michele Lodispoto. I need his Birth Certificate and Wedding Certificate. He married Maria Albergo who was born in July 28, 1892.

    Born: On November 5, 1895
    Immigrated: To the US about 1906
    Father: Silvestro Lodispoto
    Mother: Only first name Pasqua
    Siblings: Sister no information
    His sponsor for trip to USA if available.

  20. My Grandmother was born late 1800s. Here name was Rose Tullo. She had brother we call Zee Pepine. We know she left family behind in Palo when she came to the US in the early 1900s. She married in the U.S. so there would be no church records. We would like to know the address she lived in Palo.

      1. I knew them, but we couldn’t connect with our family. They eventually moved to Moonachie , NJ and had an oil business there

      2. Early 1900s, Mary Tullo married John Luisi and lived in Jersey City, Upper west side of Manhattan, and eventually settled in Brooklyn. John was in the ice/coal business and then fuel oil. I believe they were both from Palo-del-Colle. I am a grandson.

  21. I am looking for information on my Grandfather Onofrio Imbasciani, I believe he was in his early 20’s.
    He and Mary Castora (?) immigrated through Ellis Island in the early 1900’s. They settled in the The Bronx NY.

    Any information you can provide as to his and her linage would be appreciated.

  22. Hi I am trying to find out how I can request an original birth certificate of my father who was born in Palo del Colle in the 1950’s. Is there a contact name, number, email where I can request this information. This is the last piece of the puzzle for us to apply for Italian Citizenship.

  23. i am searching for birth/marriage/death records of Nicola Di Bari, born in 1864 in Palo del Colle, Italy. Also searching for Santa Monteleone born 1887, Palo del Colle, children, grandchildren, date of death?

  24. I am looking for birth records of Matteo W. Masiello, who was born on October 19, 1982 in Bari Italy and came to the U.S. on October 6, 1905. Any information on siblings would be helpful too.

    1. I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for…but it looks to me like the Matteo Masiello who arrived on 6 October 1905 was age 21…which means he was born about 1884.

      There is a Matteo Masiello born 16 June 1884 in Palo del Colle. His father was Donato Masiello (the son of Matteo). His mother was Maria Tursi (the daughter of Marco).

      Is this your Matteo?

  25. I am trying to find out about my Grandmother. Her name was Cecilia Sblendorio, born Oct 1, 1904? She came to America when she was 16 with her brother Dominick. Any info you can find for me would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you

  26. I am looking for the birth records of Dorotea Calamita born 11 April 1896 or 1897 and her father Vincenso Calamita.
    The information we have is from a New York Passenger List.

    NAME: Dorotea Calamita
    ARRIVAL DATE: 24 Jun 1913
    BIRTH DATE: abt 1897
    BIRTH LOCATION OTHER: palo del calle
    AGE: 16
    GENDER: Female
    ETHNICITY/ NATIONALITY: Italian (South) (Italian)
    PORT OF DEPARTURE: Naples, Italy
    PORT OF ARRIVAL: New York, New York
    SHIP NAME: Hamburg

    1. Dorotea was born 11 April 1897 in Palo del Colle to Vincenzo Calamita (Vincenzo was the son of Francesco Calamita) and to Angela Maria Valentini (Angela was the daughter of Raffaele Valentini).

      Dorotea’s father Vincenzo Calamita, was born 23 December 1868 in Palo del Colle; and Vincenzo’s parents were Francesco Calamita and Dorotea Savino (the daughter of Michele Savino).

      Vincenzo Calamita and Angela Maria Valentini were married 13 February 1896 in Palo.

      1. Thank you so much for posting this information. Is there any way you could tell me where you found it, and if you have any more? Vincenzo is my 2nd great-grandfather.

  27. I am planning a trip to Italy and would like to visit (and hopefully!) see if any of my maternal grandparents relatives are there. My grandfather’s name was Donato Auciello and my grandmother’s was Donatella Antonino.
    I’ve researched that there are 11 Auciello’s in Palo del Colle and one Antonino. Would you be able to recommend a reputable translater or possibly a guide for when we arrive in Bari?

  28. I would like to verify if my Grandfather (Constantino Brancale) was born in Palo del Colle. He was born in 1911. The records from Ellis Island (US) has him listed entering the country in 1921. It appears his mother entered (my great grandmother, Carmine Brancale, in Dec 1920). I believe he did not pass the health examination. After the illness passed he was released and joined his mother on Jan 1921. I also believed his brother Michele was with him. Can I find his birth certificate records in this town (comune); Palo del Colle? If not, what is the quickest way to find his birth certificate? Also I believe he sailed out from Port Bari. Are there any records listing those who left the country and sailed to America? He was 10 years od when he arrived in America.

    1. Costantino Brancale was born 15 July 1911 in Palo del Colle. His father was Leonardo Brancale (the son of Michele Brancale). His mother was Anna Dachille (the daughter of Carlo Dachille). The birth record says that Costantino’s father Leonardo lived in Modugno…a town near Palo.

      This information is from the Civil Registration records of Palo del Colle.

  29. I am trying to find out some information about my great grandparents. Michele & Lucia Gatti. Michele was born in 1875 in Palo del Colle and Lucia in 1876 in Bitteto. They had six children. The oldest was born in Palo del Colle (My grandfather sister) (Anna)
    Can you tell me if any of my relatives still live in Palo del Colle.
    Any info you can send me would be appreciated.
    I am trying to locate their home and any homes of relatives still in the area. I visited Italy in 2013 and again in 2014. I would like to visit Palo del Colle next year.

  30. I am trying to research the ancestry of my father, Michele Liantonio, son of Vito Liantonio. I don’t know my grandmother’s name.

    My father came to America in 1921 on the ship America and his father is listed on the manifest as Vito Liantonio. My brother was named after my grandfather.

    I would like to research the genealogy of Vito Liantonio and his wife, my grandmother. I would appreciated any help you could give me.

    1. There is a birth record for a Michele Liantonio, born 4 January 1905 in Palo del Colle. There is a side note on the birth record that when he grew to adulthood he married Maria Raimondo. Is this your Michele?

      If so…Michele’s parents were Vito Liantonio and Vita Maria Caputo.

      Vito’s father was Michele Liantonio. Vita Maria’s father was Angelo Caputo.

      1. Thank you so much.

        I am also trying to find out the names of his siblings. I think Michele Liantonio had a brother Angelo and a sister. I’m not quite sure if her name. My father called her Florme.

        Again this is for Michele Liantonio my father. His father’s name was Vito Liantonio and his mother’s name was Vita Maria Caputo. Can you look up also their dates of birth and death.

        1. Dear Louisa,

          My father’s name is Michele Liantonio, DOB January 4, 1905 Palo del Colle, Italy. His father is Vito Liantonio and his mother is Vita Maria Caputo. Is there any way to tell me if he had any brothers and sisters. I remember him telling me that he had a brother Angelo and a sister – Florme. I am not sure of the spelling of her name. Could you tell me if Vito Liantonio and Vita Maria Caputo had any more children.

      2. That is my father, Michele Liantonio. How do I get a copy of his birth record? I know he had a brother and sister. I don’t know their names but think his brother was Joseph and sister Florme (spelling). How do I find this out? I plan to go to Bari and Palo del Colle in 2019 – where do I go for birth records.

        I would appreciate any help.

        Thank you

        Mary Ann

  31. I am trying to find information about my paternal grandfather Michele Lodispoto and grandmother Maria Albergo who were from Palo del Colle and emigrated to New York City in the early 1900’s.Thank you for your help in this request.

    1. Hi Michael! I am an Albergo living in NY. My grandfather was Leonardo Albergo from Palo Del Colle. We have Lodispoto’s through marriage in our family tree as well. Please respond if you would like to compare notes!

  32. Hello. I am researching my husband’s family tree. I think I may have found the ship his great grandfather arrived in from Italy to New York. The ship manifest is very difficult to read and I cannot figure out the correct spelling of his mother’s name.
    My husbands great grandfather was Francesco Minerva. On the U.S. Census the birthdate and arrival date varies so I have been going by approximate dates. This ship manifest dates are around the same dates – that is why I think this may be a good match.
    Here is the ship manifest info:
    S.S. America – sailed from Napoli on November 20, 1909. Arrived in New York on December 3, 1909.
    Francesco Minerva – 37 yrs. old
    Mother: Saffolica??? Sabbino??? I really cannot decipher.
    I would greatly appreciate any assistance.

  33. How do I contact the vital statistics office in Palo del Colle to obtain the brith certificates of my Grandmother and grandfather. Is there an email address for the registrar of statistics?

  34. How do I contact the vital statistics office in Palo del Colle to obtain the brith certificates of my grandmother and grandfather. Is there an email address for the registrar of statistics?

  35. My grandmother Maria Schiavone Stallone was born Dec 13, 1862 in Palo del Colle and died July 29, 1918 in Palo del Colle, Italy. She was married to Luigi Stallone who came to America after her death. He was born in 1849 in Palo del Colle and died 1937 in America. I do not have the date for the year they were married which I am trying to obtain. Her father name was Silvestro Schiavone and her mother was Antonia but do not have a maiden name which I am trying to obtain. I will be so happy if you can help me get this information.

    1. so my great grandfather was Silvestro Schiavone, and his wife was Antonia (maiden name: Losurdo). my grandfather was Giovanni Schiavone (dont know of their siblings), all from Palo Del Colle. Any chance its all the same people?

  36. My great grandfather was Domenico Fazio born 1875 in Palo del Coille, and his wife was Anna. His children are Rocco, Nicola, Lena, Joseph, and Emanuel. Emanuel is my grandfather, and he was born 1900. Domenico Fazio last came to the US in 1906. We will visit the city on August 16.

    Do you have any information about the location of their home?

    Thank you,

  37. I am trying to get my father’s birth certificate. He emigrated to the US with his parents and siblings, from Palo del Colle at the age of 2, in 1911. His name was Onofrio Imbasciani and he was born in 1909. I believe his parents were Stefano Imbasciani and Antonia Giovanniello-Imbasciani. Where would be the best place to start. Thank you for any information you can provide.

  38. How do I contact the vital statistics office in Palo del Colle to obtain the brith certificates of my mother and father. Is there an email address for the registrar of statistics?

  39. i am trying to find out a bit about my Italian grandmother. she left polo del colle in 1915/1916 to emigrate to America. her name was vincenza guido/guida not sure of the spelling. although on the ships manifest they have it listed as quida. she married my grandfather Vincenzo vigliotti around 1917. we always thought she came from Caserta but now find out it was my grandfather not my grandmother. I know so little else about her. so would really be thrilled if you could help find some information. thanking you. trish

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