Genealogy in Fondi

If you search your ancestors in Fondi, in the province of Latina, Lazio region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Fondi

In towns and villages of Lazio and in Latina province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Fondi town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Fondi, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Fondi during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Fondi to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Lazio and of course in Fondi too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Fondi from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Fondi. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Fondi archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Latina province are:
Battisti, Bianchi, Cardillo, Conte, De Angelis, De Meo, De Santis, Esposito, Forte, Fusco, Lauretti, Lombardi, Mancini, Pannozzo, Parisella, Ricci, Romano, Rossi, Russo, Testa.

Church Records in Fondi

Church archives in Latina province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Lazio started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Fondi on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Fondi:


S. FRANCESCO D’ASSISI – P.zza S. Francesco d’ Assisi


S. MARIA IN PIAZZA – P.zza della Repubblica



Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Fondi area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Fondi feel free to leave a message below.

46 thoughts on “Genealogy in Fondi”

  1. I am trying to get information on two people.

    1. Orazio (Louis) Galli Born March 12, 1874 Fondi Caserta Italy. Died: September 7, 1936 Millbrook, NY USA
    Step-father Gennaro Savocchia B: 1854 Mother: ?? Rosa Galli
    Orazio Galli is my Grandfather; my Mother Madalne Savocchio-Galli (Cherubino) Don’t know much about Grandpa Orazio and what his real name is. He came to the US in 1902 as Orazio Galli to Millbrook,NY USA and then changed name to Savocchio and then back to Galli. There were conversations that he was put in an orphanage because his mother couldn’t take care of him. He then was adopted by Gennaro Savocchia. A mystery.

    2. Onorato Cherubino B: Fondi D: Fondi Owned flour mill and possibly orange Groves
    Wife: Elisabetta DeSantis B: Fondi D: 1936? Fondi
    Elisabetta had a brother Paolo DeSantis B: 1856?? Fondi D: ? Fondi

    Elisabetta Cherubino Born DeSantis was my father’s mother and father was Onorato Cherubino.

    My father was Paolo (Paul) Cherubino B: January 22, 1902 Fondi and D: August 9, 1971 Plainfield, nj USA

    Four other siblings came to the US and settled in New Jersey. We think that there were four other children in Fondi. One sibling was Giuseppe Cherubino died in WWII. One of the siblings married a Marconi. another Maria Carmena Cherubino not married, a brother Francesco and sister or sisters Estrina and possibly Rosaria. Not quite sure and haven’t been able to get information.

    Thank you if you can help.

  2. I really appreciate the hard work Italianside did for me regarding my family search and retrieving paperwork I needed for my citizenship application. They worked hard to bet me what I needed and I am totally happy with my results.

    Grazie Mille

  3. Hello all!

    I am starting my dual citizenship, and I need a birth certificate from my grandfather, Emanuel Pelliccia. He was born in Fondi in 1888. I cannot trace who his parents were for the life of me! I have hit a major roadblock. Also, my grandmother is Vincenzina (DeLucia) Pelliccia. Her parents were Filomena D’ambrosio & Gelardo Delucia. Does any of these names ring a bell?

  4. I am originally from Poughkeepsie, NY not far from Millbrook, NY. My grandmother Caroline Voccia was born in Fondi, Italy and came to the US about 1917. Her mother’s last name was Bernaducci. My great great grandfather was Gerardo Voccia. I hope to go to Italy in the and plan a trip to Fondi and would love to find some of my relatives. My grandmother Caroline Voccia settled in Whitehall, NY with my Italian grandfather Constantine Latino who I believe was from Arce, Italy was a blacksmith that worked for the New York Central Railroad.

    1. Hello, my name is Edward. I am the son of Edward S. Voccia Sr who was the son of Caroline Voccia from the Bronx NYC. I am wondering if the Caroline Voccia you are referencing is my grand mother? She use be be an Italian opera singer. Please contact me if you have any information. Regards Ed

      1. Edward

        I don’t think my grandmother is the same Caroline Voccia as your grandmother. My grandmother had three children; Joseph, Domenica and Ralph. I am the daughter of Ralph. My grandmother was born in Fondi and immigrated to the United States in 1919 and lived in upstate NY, never in the Bronx.

    2. HI! My great grandmother was Guilia Voccia Costantino and lived in Whitehall, NY. Your info for your Caroline matches what I have for Guilia. I just wanted to say Hey to a distant cousin!

      1. Hi Lee- sorry I missed this. I think that makes you my second cousin 1X removed. FYI I recently found something my grandmother Caroline wrote in a memory book that I never knew. Her siblings were Vincenzo, Ernesto, Giacomo, Palmina, Angelo, Virginia and Guilia. I had never heard of Giacomo, Palmina or Angelo.
        I knew that Vincenzo, Ernesto, Guilia and Caroline all came to the United States. I did know of Virginia still in Italy. If you want to contact me let me know

  5. Wow, I guess Fondi and Millbrook, NY are sister cities. My grandfather Vincenzo Sepe was born in Fondi as was my grandmother Laurena Nardone. They had my dad and his siblings in Millbrook, NY, where one of my uncles and one of my aunts still live (my aunt lives in the house my dad grew up in and my grandmother died in). I was in Italy 30 years ago and I looked up Sepe in the Fondi phone book listings and there were many. I’m going to be in the Milan area in Sept/Oct of this year and considering just making my way down there to see the “fatherland”. Unfortunately my dad is afraid of flying and, though he is in good health at 86 probably will never see where his family is from. But maybe I can.

    1. I am Domenick Forte from Millbrook Ny. My Grandfather Charlie was a gardener. I will be in Italy starting Sept 19, 2019. Would love to get in touch with family. Funny I went to school with an Eileen Sepe, we are both 61.

    2. My grandmother’s father was Benedetto Sepe. They too lived in Millbrook, NY and migrated from Fondi, Italy. I wonder if we are distant cousins.

  6. Will be in Fondi later this spring. Do you have contact information for town/city hall, family records?
    Thank you!

  7. My name is Nick DeSimone, born on November 15, 1937 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

    My great grandfather Michele Forcina was born in Formia in 1850.
    Michele Forcina married Margarita Mazzaccone in Fondi on February 15, 1874.
    I don’t know who his parents or siblings are. I hope the marriage documents will list his parents and siblings
    Margarita Mazzaccone was born in Fondi in 1832, She died May 3, 1897.
    They had at least 2 children, Maria Ersilia Forcina, born June 6, 1876 and Maria Assunta Forcina, born May 8, 1879. Don’t know if they had other children. Maria Assunta Forcina died July 4, 1941.
    Maria Assunta Forcina is my grandmother, and Maria Ersilia Forcina is my great Aunt.
    My mother, Maria Quadrino, was born in Fondi on April 10. 1910 and my grandmother, Maria Assunta Forcina is her mother. My grandfather is Andrea Quadrino, born December 12, 1870 and died February 28, 1941 in Fondi.
    My great grandfather, Michele Forcina, married Carmela Spanarella in Fondi shortly after Margarita Mazzaccone died in 1897.
    Together Michele Forcina and Carmela Spanarella had at least 3 children, Maria Grazia Forcina, born June 19,1899, Mario Nicola Forcina, born September 11, 1901, Alphonso Eduardo, born March 1, 1904 and Alphonso, born January 14, 1906.
    Carmela Spanarella was married previously to Luigi Pietro Nallo on November 25, 1886.
    I have several cousins who currently live in Fondi but are mostly on the Quadrino side of the family. What is my best approach to find information about my great grandfather Michele Forcina.

  8. Traveling with my 88 year old Mother to Italy (her 1st time), her father Biagio Mattei born in Fondi roma, Italy on 11/15/1899, his father may have been Lorenzo Mattei born 2/8/1859, hoping to connect with living family during our visit.

  9. My parents both came from Fondi Italy but I was born in Millbrook NY 1935. Lived in Millbrook most of my life. Visited Fondi and stayed with some of my fathers relatives for 3 weeks while there. As a young boy I knew of your grandfathers blacksmith shop located close to where the railroad used to be located before it was discontinued however in the village of Millbrook the original blacksmith shop still stands where it originally stands. Living in Millbrook as a young boy I knew most of the Gali boys from that area. Unfortunately I did not know your Grandfather Louis. I’m sure that my father Onorato Morelli who arrived in Millbrook in 1920 and my older brother Louis knew him unfortunately they are deceased. Sorry Maria I cant give you any more information relative to Louis Galli.

    1. Onorato (Norm), you wrote to me back in 2018 in reference to Grandpa Galli. I don’t know if you still look on Far Side but I am taking my chances. Mutual information has come to my attention in reference to the Morelli family. Grandpa Galli was allegedly adopted by Gennaro Savocchia one of the children was Felippo Savocchia who marred Assunta Evangelista and one of their children was Emmanuela Savocch8a that married a Morelli. I wonder if you have heard of the Savocchias’ in Fondi and have some knowledge of the family? I realize this is a long short but I thought it would be interesting to find out.

      By the way, Felippo had a brother Attilio Savocchia(0) in Amsterdam, ny and a sister Rosa Savocchia that married Albert DeBonis in Millbrook, NY. I am sure you know the DeBonis’s and the children.

      I am hoping that you see this and connect with me. I will give you my email to continue the story. By the way Millie Galli/Molella is my Aunt sister of my mother Madaline Galli/Cherubino.


      1. Hi Norm, oh my gosh this is exciting. I have not looked on this site for awhile but I am so glad I found your information. Yes we believe Grandpa Galli was adopted by Gennaro Savocchia and possibly his mother (Rosa Galli) married Gennaro allegedly after Grandpa was older. I am aware of Filippo married Assunta Evangelista (sister of Madeline Evangelista married to Nazarene Manzi half brother of my grandmother Assunta Galli Grandpa’s wife). I know of some of the Savocchia members through a great-great-great granddaughjter in Austratlia. She id tell me about Emanuella that married a Morelli and another maria that married a Colon and lived in Poughkeepsie. When he died the wife went back to Fondi. Yes I know about Attilio and Rosa (DeBonis). Also I am aware of the Evahgelista;s, Molella (Aunt Millie and uncle Chic), Manzi, DeSantis (Aunt Rosie and Uncle Louie), Cardinale, Massarone and I could go on. I spent many summers in Millbrook.

        I am very interested in finding out how much you kinow about the Galli/Savocchia family. Are you still living in New York? I am going to give you my Email don’t know if you care to share yours. The reason is because I think we our families are piasano;s.

        Thank you for this info and I hope I hear from you soon.


  10. My Grandfather Louis O. Galli came from Fondi to the US in 1902 and settled in Millbrook, NY (his trade was a blacksmith and became very well-known). Don’t know the whole story. He apparently was adopted and his stepfather was January Savocchio and step-siblings Atillio and Rose Savocchio and I think another was Benedetro Savocchio. Grandpa Galli married Maria Assunta Spada in Fondi and had 1st born Rosina 1902. Grandma and Rosina came to the US in 1905 with Rose and Atillio Savocchio. They settled in Millbrook ny. Rose married Albert DeBonis and stayed in Millbrook. Atillio went to Colorado and had a family there and then came back to Millbrook for awhile and them went to Amsterdam, NY to live (he was a blacksmith) but I believe he then went to work in a factory.
    We don’t know the adopted story to well but was hoping that someone in Fondi might have known the Galli’s, Savocchio’s or the Spada’s.

    Hoping someone might have some information and it would very much be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Maria, I spent my childhood in the Millbrook area. Attended school there & knew most of the Italian boys & girls. Manyof their parents were from Fondi. My father came from Fondi in 1920. Proper family spelling was Morella. I was born in Millbrook in 1935 however public records misspelled my name as Morelli. My brother, Louis was born in Fondi & his last name is spelled Morella. He has since passed. I had a sister , Angels Morelli , last name mispellef also. She also had passed. I currently live in North Carolina with my wife. I am 88 yrs. Old. I visited my fathers family in Fondi back in 1973 and stayed with them for 3 weeks along with my father, Onorato Morella. My father made one more trip back to Fondi for a visit before he died. I am the only last living Morelli member still alive. My mother was from Fondi Also however her maiden name was Angelina Seconnina. She died many years ago in 1943. I was never able to meet her family members when I was visiting Fondi. My father, mother , sister are all buried in St. Joseph’s cemetery in Millbrook, ny. That’s about the information I have about Fondi & Millbrook. As a young boy I knew practically all the older Italian first generation that moved to Millbrook ny however most of them are passed by now. Thank you for your message, Onorato

      1. Onorato, Thank you for your information. I have some of my own. My cousin Louie Molella told me that you were in school together. I am on the MyHeritage site. and I came across the 1939 Millbrook Village Census. My Grandfather lived on Alden Place (where a lot of Italians lived). He lived next door to Nazarene Manzi (my Grandmother’s 1/2 brother. Nazarene’s wife Immacolata was an Evangelista (Raymond Evangelista’s sister. When I started my adventure in Genealogy I was able to just Google a lot of people and was able to find out a lot of information that the families didn’t know. I am still searching; but, it is more difficult now. ]

        The 1930 Census lists my Grandparents and children but, also two more names listed as boarders:

        1. ONORATO MORELLO (25)

        2. JOSEPH IANUCCIA (36)

        They were listed as both married and came to the USA in 1921.

        I don’t know if you knew that, but all the census’s I have seen they all show that a lot of the families that came to the US took in boarders until they could get settled. Millbrook is a very unique town. By the way, I believe I read somewhere that the Rotunno;s were the first to come to the town of Millbrook and then as the families back in Fondi heard what a great town to bring their families; they all started to come from Fondi and settle and raise their families and work as farmers, Stone masons, plumber, barbers, blacksmiths (my grandfather) and what other talents they came with.

        I am the daughter of Madaline Galli (Paolo Cherubino). Her siblings were Rose Galli (Louis DeSantis), Amelia Galli (Chic Molella), Louis Galli (Millie Setaro), Alexander Galli, January Galli/Jerry (BettyAnne Gibson and Anne ). They were all the children of Louis Galli and Maria Assunta Galli (Spada). My mother was the only child that didn’t stay in Millbrook. My father Paul had an upholstery business in North Plainfield, NJ where they raised 5 children. My father’s 4 siblings came from Fondi and also settled in NJ.

        I wish that we communicate on Email it would be great to share stories.

        Well digest that. Great to hear from you,

        Maria Cherubino – 80 years old- (Victor Carroccia from Lenola, Latina, Italy). We have 2 children Lori Anne Carroccia and Mark Carroccia.

  11. I came across someone with the last name of Sepe. They may have dropped one of the p’s when they arrived at immigration. The town was Millbrook, New York.

  12. Maria, My grandmother, elisa buttaro came to the US from Fondi in 1916 with her sister eleanora. Their older sister Vincenzina arrived in 1913 with her husband Antonio Cherubino in 1913, probably your father Paola’s brother. Antonio and Vincenza’s last residence in Italy was in Fondi with mother elisabetta de Santis. So we are connected.
    Contact as soon as you can. Grazi Mille cousina Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy, I believe maybe we are related. Uncle Antonio Cherubino’s first wife was Vincenzina they married in Fondi and came to the US (don’t know the year) they came with 1st born Salvatore and then had another son Onorato in US. They lived in Rahway, NJ. In the 1920 Census it states that a sister-in-law (Eleanora) and brother-in-law (Luigio Capobianco lived with them. Luigio Capobianco and Eleanora had a son Frank Capobianco (He was married to Ida Cherubini but he was killed in the war flying a plane. Luigio Capobianco went back to Fondi to marry Uncle Antonio and my father (Paul) sister Luigia Capobianco and they had a child Carmela. They lived next door to each other in Rahway, nj. There was another brother Vincienco who married Christina Debonis and they settled in North Plainfield, nj along with my father Paul and my mother Madaline (Gall) whose parents also came from Fondi. There was another sister that came to the US Felomena Cherubino and she married Angelo Morra.

      I could go on but I think I got you thinking. We should get in touch with each other. Are you living here in the US? I am married to Victor Carroccia (from Lenola) and still live in North Plainfield, nj.

      Please contact me. cousins Maria. Thank you.

  13. Hello
    Looking for the Birth Certificate of Angelo Mastromanno, born in Lenola in 1865 and died in 1942 in Lenola of Fondi.
    Can you help me as to where I could locate it, from a registry in Lenola or from the local church records in Lenola
    Please advise

  14. My parents were born in Fondi, in 1922 and 1920. Their last name was Fusco and Marchetti. Are there many people with those names living in Fondi?

    1. Louise I lived in Fondi for 4 years before I immigrated to the US,did a search of Italian white pages and there are 19 individuals named Fusco living there and 1 Marchetti,hopefully this helps.

      1. I am looking for info on my grandmother she was born in Fondi
        Her name was Rosaria Marocco
        Marriage name (Marchetti)
        I also have the Vendetti associated with her
        My grandfather was Giovanni Marchetti born in Trani
        I hope to get info

  15. I am trying to apply for duel citizenship with Italy but it is impossible to get what I need. Both grandparents were born in Fondi I believe. Gaetano Abbondanzio and Carmela Stravato. I need birth certificates and marriage certificates and naturalization papers. I am lost….any direction???

  16. My Father Paul (Paolo) Cherubino born in Fondi January 22, 1902 to Onorato Cherubino and Lisabetta DeSantis. There were 9 children. 5 came to the states Anthony, Vencienco, Luigia, Filomena and my Father Paolo. My father went to Fondi in Sept. 1959 and stayed with family and also a nephew in Paris (Nino Marconi). The other left in Fondi Maria Carmen, Francesco, 1 died in war and another sister ??. We wondered if there were any children, grandchildren, or cousins still in Fondi that are related to us. My husband went a couple of times when he was in Lenola with our son Mark; but he was never able to find anyone who knew of the Cherubino family.

    1. Maria, My grandmother, elisa buttaro came to the US from Fondi in 1916 with her sister eleanora. Their older sister Vincenzina arrived in 1913 with her husband Antonio Cherubino in 1913, probably your father Paola’s brother. Antonio and Vincenza’s last residence in Italy was in Fondi with mother elisabetta

  17. Hi
    searching for record of my late grandfather. His name was Luigi Roscio, His fathers name was Biagio Roscio & his mother was Maria Alicandro. They lived in Fondi around 1940-1949. His childen are Vittorio and Elsa. He is believed to have died in Venezuela. But no death certificate was ever issued. I have searched but was unable to find any record of him or his family.

      1. Hi,
        I have progressed in my Roscio search.
        I’m in Melbourne Australia.
        I have established that Luigi Roscio and Lucia gentile had 4 children.
        Biagio ( my great great grandfather)
        Luigi Domenico
        Marianna (Marion). She married Giovanni Forte

  18. My grandfather Salvatore Mangini spoke of his home town,Fondi. He mentioned riding his donkey picking figs in the orchard as a boy. Can you verify this as his boyhood town? I`m his grandson (68yrs. old). He left Italy and traveled to Waltham,Mass. USA. He named his son Thomas Salvatore Mangini my dad who passed away in 1972,in Mass.

    1. Giuseppe Onorati

      Hi,Daniel i was born in Monte San Biagio which is only about 4-5 miles from Fondi but i lived in Fondi for about 4 years before i moved to Waltham Ma. with my family around the mid 60’s,i did a search of city directories online that Waltham Public Library puts out from around the 1920’s to the 1960’s and only found a Gaetano and an Anthony Mangini but no Salvatore also did a Ellis Island Passenger search but no Salvatore from Fondi only 1 from Sulmona in Abruzzi region also on Italian White Pages no Mangini left in Fondi,maybe if you can provide more info i can help,by the way there was a Thomas S Mangini that lived in western part of Massachusetts, maybe your dad,hopefully this helps,best. Joe

  19. Hi I am trying to find my grandmothers sister who stayed in Italy. She was born in or near Fondi, her name was Carmella DeVito she had 3 brothers, James, August, and Salvatore who all came to America. She arrived in America in 1913 with her 2 children Andrew and Theresa and was married to Francisco DiGregorio.
    I am trying to locate any information on the one sister that stayed in Italy, my mother believes her name was Laura DeVito. I think she married with the last name either Papadella or Paparella? I have a postcard sent to my grandmother addressed to my aunt Carmella of a first communion. I can’t quite make out the last name of Papadella or Paparella but the first name is Faustina. My mom thought Faustina was around her age which would make her to be in her late 90’s if she is still alive. My mom just passed away a few months ago at 98. I am trying to locate the family line of Laura DeVito to see if she had more children and their children who would be around my age of 60. I am planning my first trip in Italy in May and I am planning a trip to Fondi as my mom believed both her parents were born in this area. If someone can point in the right direction to try to locate this family line I would greatly appreciate it.

  20. I am sure my family came from Fondi. The family name is Papa. The one person I am hoping to find is TOMMASCO PAPA who married VINCENZA LO BORGO or DEL BORGO.
    I think there were five children, RACHELE, ANGIOLA, FRANCESCO, GIACOMANTONIO & MARIA.

    1. Tommaso Papa married Vincenza Del Borgo,their daughter Maria Domenica Papa born 1813 in Fondi married Francesco, Antonio born 1803 in Fondi, they are related to our family through Francesco, Maria died sometime before 1839

    2. Hello. Sorry I don’t have information regarding your inquiry, but I too have family from Fondi.
      My mom, Maria Papa, married Pasquale Pesce. Some Papa family members are still in Fondi. My mother’s parents were Mariano and Cristina Papa.
      Good luck with your research.

  21. My mother and father were born in Fondi. In 1920 and 1922. I know I have family still there but would like to know who my relatives were prior to the 1920s. The surname was Marchitti. My mother was Vencie and my father was Louis.

  22. Hi,

    I’m looking for my family in Fondi. My grandfather was Emilio Pasqual Fucci married to Teresa Stancari. Both moved to the US, but the rest of the family stayed in Fondi. Hopefully I can get a hold of the Fucci family in Fondi. There is a possibility that the name was Fuccio….

  23. I believe my great grandfather Benedetto Volpe was born in Fondi. He immigrated to the U.S. I think he may have been born around the late 1800s or early 1900s? Might there be any record of this?

    1. Hi,Vanessa I was born in Monte San Biagio,I lived in Fondi from 1962 to 1966 when I immigrated to Waltham,Massachusetts I searched on Ellis Island website and your Grandfather immigrated here In 1907 from Fondi,he came on a ship called Germania,hopefully this helps.

  24. Thank you for any help you can give. My grandmother, Angela (Angelina) Evangelista was married to a man by the name of Seppe. I believe this marriage was in Fondi Italy but am not sure. They had a child who they named Joseph Seppe. My grandmother’s husband Seppe (unfortunately I don’t know his first name but am wondering if it was Joseph) died and she immigrated to the United States with her son. I have had no luck in locating any records for Joseph Seppe.

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