Genealogy in Teggiano

Region: Campania Province: Salerno

Tracing your Italian roots back to Teggiano, in Salerno province, Campania region?

This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the records available in Teggiano, unlocking your family’s rich history.
Where to Begin Your Ancestry Journey in Teggiano
If your ancestral trail leads to Teggiano, Italy, their vital records are likely housed in two key locations:

  • Teggiano City Hall Archives: Established in 1809, these archives hold civil registry records like births, marriages, and deaths for Teggiano residents since then.
  • Teggiano Parish Churches: For records pre-dating 1809 or for religious ceremonies, exploring Teggiano’s parish church archives might be necessary.

Civil Records in Teggiano

In towns and villages of Campania and in Salerno province civil registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Teggiano Town Hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Teggiano Municipality, follow this link).

So, if your ancestors lived in Teggiano during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Teggiano to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
With his deep knowledge of people and local history he will assist you not only finding names and dates (births, marriages, deaths) but he will reveal to you many other precious information on the life of your ancestors available in the old registers.

  • Professions: do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Our genealogist will be able to give you this info!
  • Addresses: the house where your family lived (a great information if you intend to visit Teggiano !)
  • Churches: where they were baptized or married
  • (If you can’t visit Teggiano, our researcher will give you the necessary info to find by yourself the relevant places on the maps available online)

  • Signatures: if your ancestors knew how to write, he will be able to show you their original signatures.
  • Any other useful info available on the old documents.
  • Are you interested in this? Write us at or fill this form

    Next picture shows the demographic trends in Teggiano from the Italian Unification (1861).
    This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


    To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Teggiano. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Teggiano archives, expecially if you have not exact dates (there could be cases of homonymy).
    It’s useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Salerno province are:
    Alfano, Amato, Annunziata, Apicella, Bruno, Califano, Caputo, Cirillo, Coppola, Cuomo, D’Amato, D’Ambrosio, D’Angelo, De Luca, De Martino, De Rosa, Esposito, Ferraioli, Ferrara, Gallo, Giordano, Greco, Grimaldi, Iannone, Lamberti, Landi, Manzo, Marino, Napoli, Pagano, Palumbo, Pellegrino, Pepe, Rinaldi, Rizzo, Romano, Ruggiero, Russo, Santoro, Senatore, Sessa, Sica, Sorrentino, Tortora, Trotta, Vitale, Vitolo, Volpe.

    Church Records in Teggiano

    Church archives in Salerno province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
    So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Campania started during 1500!

    Parish archives are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
    But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Teggiano on your behalf to gather info about your family history during centuries.

    In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Teggiano:

    S. AGOSTINO – Largo S. Agostino, 2

    S. GIUSEPPE OPERAIO – P.zza S. Giuseppe, 61

    S. MARCO – P.zza S. Marco


    S. CUORE DI GESU’ – Via Saliconi

    For our experience, if you plan to come here to visit Teggiano, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
    This because a comprehensive genealogy research is time consuming!

    Starting from home, you will have time to get a complete research avoiding to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
    (Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
    With the results gathered by our genealogist and translated in your language before your arrival, you will have the possibility to plan carefully your visit.
    In this way you will have more free time to enjoy your tour to the roots on your ancestors footsteps.

    Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives of Salerno.

    If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Teggiano area , write to or fill the form here.

    Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

    If you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Campania and of course in Teggiano too.

    Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Teggiano forum:
    if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Teggiano feel free to leave a message below.

    53 thoughts on “Genealogy in Teggiano”

    1. Seeking info on Cono Brigante born in 1872 in Teggiano Italy. Father was Nicola Brigante and mother was Antonetta Scangerlla. I have also seen the spelling as Briganti and Brigando. Thank you!

    2. Paternal grandfather Antonio Carrano born July 6th 1875 in Teggiano Italy, his wife my paternal grandmother Maria Digruccio born 1878 Teggiano. They were married in 1898, and their oldest of around 9 children, Cono Carrano, was born in Teggiano in 1899. They immigrated to Brooklyn New York around 1905, where the rest of their children were born in Brooklyn New york, including my biological father.
      My paternal grandfather’s parents were Cono Carrano born 1838, & Raffaella Trezza born 1838. I would like to know more about these families and how far back their families go in Italy

    3. Buongiorno. Sto cercando informazioni sulla mia bisnonna di nome Flora Volpe. Nasce a Teggiano il 27 maggio 1885 e successivamente si trasferisce in Argentina. Suo padre si chiamava Sabato Volpe e sua madre Ines Policastro. Tutto l’aiuto che puoi darmi ti ringrazio dal profondo del cuore.

      I’m looking for information on my great-grandmother named Flora Volpe. She was born in Teggiano on May 27, 1885 and later moved to Argentina. Her father was named Sabato Volpe and her mother was Ines Policastro. All the help you can give me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

      Busco información de mi bisabuela llamada Flora Volpe. Nació en Teggiano el 27 de mayo de 1885 y luego se trasladó a Argentina. Su padre se llamaba Sabato Volpe y su madre Ines Policastro. Toda la ayuda que me puedan dar se las agradezco de lo mas profundo de mi corazon.

    4. I’m trying to do research on the DeNigris Family of Teggiano, Salerno, Campania Italy.

      1) Francesco DeNigris: Born in 1837 in Diano (Teggiano) Italy. He married a Filomena Manzolillo. I don’t know how many children they had in total. They married in 1865 in Teggiano. I need his actual copy of birth certificate. I would like to know his children’s names and order of birth (oldest-youngest), including children who died.

      2) Francesco DeNigris Parents Actual Death Records I need. Cono DeNigris and Giuseppa Maria Bruno. I don’t know how many children they had. I would like to know their children’s names as well and order of birth (oldest-youngest)

      3) Vincenzo DeNigris and Antonia Michaely Mea – I would need (Birth, Marriage and Death) They would’ve been born around the 1700’s Period.
      -Son: Cono DeNigris -Born: 1806

      4) Francesco Bruno and Antonia Casella- I would need (Birth, Marriage and Death) They would’ve been born around the 1700’s Period.
      -Daughter: Giuseppa Maria Bruno-Born: 1808

      If anyone has the information or a copy of these records of birth, marriage or death on a file, I would appreciate anything you might have. It would be
      most helpful and help me a lot too. Thank you!


    5. Hola, busco a mi tatarabuelo Nicolas Moreno, nació en Teggiano en 1853. Se casó con Concepción Alabella o Labella. Se instalaron en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
      Buongiorno. Cerco a mio bisnono. Lui si ha chiamato Nicolas Moreno e è natto in Teggiano in 1853. Ha sposato Concepcion Alavella o Labella. Ha vivuto nella provincia di Buenos Aires, Argentina


    6. I have traced my grandmother’s family back to my 5th Gr Grandparents in Teggiano,Italy
      My grandmother Raffaela Galiano (Gagliano) was born 25 Dec. 1876 In Teggiano.
      Her father was Michele, mother Benedetta Vertuccio.
      I am looking for information about my grandfather,Michele, and his wife Benedetta.
      Family lore is that Benedetta died while giving birth to twins, and my grandmother was sent to live with
      relatives in Brooklyn, NY.
      It took me 8 years of research to find where Raffaele was sent to live in the USA, and with whom.
      I was able to trace her birth to Teggiano, and traced the family to my 5th gr. grandparents.
      Any help on the Gagliano’s or Benedetta Vertuccio will be greatly appreciated.
      thank you
      bill hogan

    7. My grandfather, Cono Cotignola married my grandmother Maria Rosa Russo on November 7,1897. His parents were Gennare Cotignola and Maria Di Zeo ( Di Two or Di Zee) Cotignola. I understand that he was born in Comune Di Tegiano, Province Di Salerno on June 3, 1874. He served in the 3rd Regiment Bersaglieri reporting in on December 7,1894, serving in Campagna di Africa 1895-96 and discharged with good conduct and honor on September 23, 1897.
      Her parents were Antonio Russo and Concetta (gallo) Russo. I understand that she was born in or near Teggrano, Salerno, Italy on July 2 or 5 1881.
      I would like to contact any relative on either side still living in the region. I would also like to know where they were married.

    8. My grandfather Nicola Morello was born in 1848 and I would like to know if there are any records about his birth certificate.
      And he emigrated to USA in 1868. There after staying for about six months, he emigrated to Colombia, South America.
      Any relatives?

    9. My grand grandfather Domenico Russo was born in Teggiano at 06/09/1863 from Gaetano Russo and Concetta Di Zeo. I am trying to know more about family origin and relatives I may have around the world. There are only two Russo families form Teggiano and 7 Di Zeo families. If any one have any hint, please let me know! Thanks a ton.

      1. Hi Marcio My grandfather and Grandmother were born in Teggiano. He in the year 1875 and she in 1875. My grandfathers name was Russo

    10. Charles Clevenger

      My grandparents — Andrew Cono Ragone (1884) and Rosa Mea Ragone (1888) — were born in Teggiano. I know little of there families or their trades. Any information is greatly appreciated/

    11. I’m looking for information about my 3rd great grandparents from Teggiano. His name was Francesco Morena and I believe he was born in 1827. Her names was Agnese Cotignola and was probably born in 1831.

    12. My Grandfather, Nicola LoBuglio, said he was born in Teggiano, he always had a picture of the patron Saint from that town, Saint Cono. I need to get his birth records. I looked at the Ellis Island website and I think I found the date he arrived in USA. The date and the age he would have been that he told us he arrived here seems to fit but not positive it’s the same person. The Ellis Island information says his “last place of residence” was Ciggiano, which is very close to Teggiano. Maybe he moved from Teggiano to Ciggiano before traveling to Naples to leave for USA, not sure.

      Can you advise me how I would go about getting his birth record? Thank you, Janet

    13. Hi
      My grandfather left Teggiano approximately 1900.
      His name: Cono Lombardi, born approximately 1880.
      His son Domenick left approximately 1908.
      I would appreciate any information you have about him.
      In particular his wife’s name ( I never met my grandmother) and any children’s names you have.
      I hope to hear from you soon.

    14. I’m trying to find out information on my great grandarents Antono DeNigris and
      Antonia Cimino(maiden name). They were born in Teggiano, Italy from the province
      of Salerno. They emigrated to America in the late 1890’s. I would like to know
      if there are famiy census records listing members of their families from birth.
      Also if there is any photo of them as young people from chilhood or marriage
      which took place in Teggiano too. I don’t speak or understand the Italian language. Please translate in English. I don’t know how to get records from
      baptism, etc in Teggiano.

      Antonio was born on May 11, 1874 in Teggiano to Francesco DeNigris and Filomena
      Manzolillo. Antonio had some siblings, but don’t know how many or names of them.
      Please tell me their names, date of birth and if stayed in Ieggiano or immigrated
      to America or Argentina.

      Antonia Cimino was born September 13, 1878 in Teggiano to Michele Cimino and
      Maria Scultore. Antonia had a brother, but don’t know his name. He was two
      years younger I belived. Don’t know brother stayed in Teggiano or came to America.
      Please let me know.

      Any information on my great grandparents, Antonio and Antonia would be most
      helpful from any siblings, cousins,etc. and the office of records to contact
      for all the lines of DeNigris and Cimino that church baptism records would have
      as far back as possible. Thank you. Please reply back.

      1. Hi,I’m Daniel from France, you’re searching for Antonia siblings, Michele and Maria had much more than two children’s, they’ve seven son’s and two daughters, one of them was my grandfather, his name is Vito Cimino, born in 1896 maybe in Teggiano or Salerno, he came in France in 1922 and later had two sons and one daughter with his wife Carmen Longo, the first son is Antoine, the daughter is Lisette, and the last son is Michel. In 1996, Vito died, so maybe it’s what you’re looking for because my grandfather Vito had always said that some members from his family leaved teggiano for America but we don’t know who. If it can help you let me know and send me your reply. Ciao

        1. Daniel,

          I thank you for your reply. I hadn’t looked at messages in long time.
          I don’t think your grandfather Vito Cimmino is related to my great grandmother
          Antonia Cimino for I heard that my great grandmother Antonia Cimino only had one younger brother who was 2 years younger than her and no other siblings. Also her
          mother, Maria Scultore had died when my great grandmother was 4 years old. If you have any other information that can be helpful, please let me know.

    15. Mi piacerebbe avere informazioni sui miei antenati Domenico e Giuseppe Trezza. È venuto in Brasile intorno al 1860. Nel 1880 Giuseppe ritornò in Italia per portare sua moglie Josefa Cimino e figli Giacomo, Michele,… Essi partirono dal porto di Napoli per il Brasile.

      I would like to have information about my ancestors Domenico and Giuseppe Trezza. Came to Brazil around 1860. In 1880 Giuseppe returned to Italy to bring his wife Josefa Cimino and children Giacomo, Michele, … They departed from the port of Naples for Brazil.

      1. Perhaps they are the brothers or some other relation to my paternal great-grandmother Raffaela Trezza born 1838 Teggiano Italy

    16. I am looking for the names of the children of Vincenzo Morena and Nunzia Carlo.
      My grandfather, their son Pietro, was born in 1881. I am looking for the names of his brothers and sisters.
      Thank you for your assistance.

    17. Hi, I’ m looking for information about my great grand mother, Felicita Nativita Capozzoli La Maida.
      Thanks in advance. Any people in Teggiano with those last names?

    18. Hi! I am looking for information from my grand grand father. He came from Italy to Brazil, not sure about the year.. but it was probably around 1884/1885. He was married to Gaetana D´Alto, and had a few brothers and sisters (Paolo, Domenico, Maria). The entire family apart from Paolo went to Argentina. Where can I find documents, like marriage certificate, born certificate, etc?

      1. La abuela de mi tatarabuelo se llamaba Antonia D´Alto, nacida en Teggiano en el año 1808 y contrae matrimonio con Cono Sanseverino.

    19. Greetings,

      I am seeking further information about my great great grandfather Michael DiGruccio, who was born in Teggiano in 1848.

      Michael came to the USA. His wife was Madeline and I believe they married in Teggiano.

      I would like to know Michael’s parents names and dates, and any information about his brother Tomas.

      Please help if you can. Thank you very much.

    20. Hello. My great grandparents are I believe from Teggiano. My great grandfathers name was Domenico D’Elia. He was married to Josephina. They came to the USA in the late 1800’s. Can I get any info on them ?

      1. Hello,
        I have just found my g g parents who came from Teggiano. My g g grand mother was Serveria D’ Elia. I’m wondering if there is any relation to your g g grandfather?

        1. I am Roberto (see the letter above). My great grandfather Michael diGruccio’s parents were Felice and Paolina D’Elia. Curious if she is a sibling of the D’Elias mentioned in your messages. Additionally, my great grandmother, Madeline, was a Casella. Her parents were Guisseppe and Agnese (Pantaliano). Their daughter, Paulina, married a loBuglio..

    21. I wrote before about information on Andrea Ragone. I believe his parents were Luigi and Rosa. His siblings were Raffaella, Michele, Maria, Paolo and Salvatore. Any information you can give me will be appreciated. Thank you.

    22. Hi!! My Great great grandfather came from Teggiano to Venezuela around 1881. His name was Gaetano Dizeo and got married with Filomena Morello. Could you help me? Thanks a lot

          1. Hola que tal. soy bisnieto de Gaetano Di Zeo y Filomena Morello. Alguien me puede ayudar con información acerca de su acta de matrimonio? Gracias.

    23. My grandfather Andrea (Andrew) Ragone was born in Teggiano in 1893. He came to the U.S. About 1905. He had many siblings but he was the only one that came over. I’m looking for any family members or information about his family. Thank you for any help you can give me. Sharon

    24. My grandfather emigrated to the US in the 1890’s and lived in New York City. His name was Vincenzo Vertuccio. He had brothers Nicholas, Cono, and sisters Rafael and I think Barbara. Of course those were their American names. Is there anyone in the town that are descendants of my grandfather and his parents.

      1. My Grandfather (Gaetano Vertuccio) came to New York around 1918?, My Father has phone numbers of relatives in Teggiano, and he has a picture of my Grandfather with a Vincenzo Vertuccio.

    25. My name is Dorothy
      My great grandfather Gaetano Abbatemarco was born on march 22 1855 and lived at Marzano Annunziata Street in the community of Safrano in Teggiano his parents were Giuseppe and Rosa (DiBrizzi) Abbatemarco. He came to America in 1879 at the age of 24 without any of his family. I was looking for any other Abbatemarco relatives in the town of Teggiano. I don’t know if my great grandfather had any siblings or cousins. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
      Thank you,
      Dorothy Richards

    26. Hi, my maiden name is Capobianco. My grandfather Giuseppe Capobianco, was born in Teggiano and came to the April, 1906. I’d love to connect with any of my Capobianco relatives.

      1. Hello. I have a Agnes Capobianco on my mother’s side. She is my 2nd great grandmother. She was born in Teggiano, Italy in 1855. She came to America in 1883. I wonder if Agnes and Guiseppe are relations?

    27. My maiden name is D’Alto, my father was from Naples and came over when he was 12 – 1914, with his Mother, Amalia Pinto. Would love any information you can find.

    28. hello
      My grandfather Saverio D’Elia came to America Feb. 26 1912.
      He was 28 years old so I assume he was born in the Teggiano area in 1884.
      He was married to Mehelina Falco who came to the U.S. one year later.
      They had two children before they left Italy, Paulina and Cieno Vincenzo.
      Mehelina’s father’s name was Pietro Falco.
      Would you have any information about them ?

    29. I am trying to get information on my great-great-grandparents. Antonio Moreno (Marino) (b.6-23-1854 in Teggiano) and Raffaela Manzolillo (b. 6-4-1854 in Teggiano). They immigrated to the USA in 1879. They were married in Teggiano in 1878. They had 7 children, only one of whom was born in Italy. (Nicholas b. 4-6-1890 in Teggiano). Antonio was conscripted into the Italian Army while there at this time. They returned to the USA in August of 1890.
      Any information or help would be greatly appreciated!
      Thank you,

        1. Hi!
          I just found this page again! I have since found some more info on António and Raffaela Moreno (Marino). Raffaela’s mother was Maria D’Alto and her father was Benedetto Manzolillo.

    30. I have my father’s Certificato Di Nascita from Comune Di Teggiano Provincia Di Salerno I’anno 1907 Parte I Numero 93. Can you find his father Certificato his name was Michael D’Elia. I would like more information on my family’s history if possible and who to contact in the records department for Teggiano. Thank you.

    31. To whom it may concern;
      I am looking for family in Teggiano. My mother’s family is from there. Her maiden name is D’alto, and my grandmother’s maiden name is Scultore.
      Thank you,
      Sal Menniti

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