Genealogy in Lappano

Region: Calabria Province: Cosenza

Tracing your Italian roots back to Lappano, in Cosenza province, Calabria region?

This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the records available in Lappano, unlocking your family’s rich history.
Where to Begin Your Ancestry Journey in Lappano
If your ancestral trail leads to Lappano, Italy, their vital records are likely housed in two key locations:

  • Lappano City Hall Archives: Established in 1809, these archives hold civil registry records like births, marriages, and deaths for Lappano residents since then.
  • Lappano Parish Churches: For records pre-dating 1809 or for religious ceremonies, exploring Lappano’s parish church archives might be necessary.

Civil Records in Lappano

In towns and villages of Calabria and in Cosenza province civil registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Lappano Town Hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Lappano Municipality, follow this link).

So, if your ancestors lived in Lappano during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Lappano to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
With his deep knowledge of people and local history he will assist you not only finding names and dates (births, marriages, deaths) but he will reveal to you many other precious information on the life of your ancestors available in the old registers.

  • Professions: do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Our genealogist will be able to give you this info!
  • Addresses: the house where your family lived (a great information if you intend to visit Lappano !)
  • Churches: where they were baptized or married
  • (If you can’t visit Lappano, our researcher will give you the necessary info to find by yourself the relevant places on the maps available online)

  • Signatures: if your ancestors knew how to write, he will be able to show you their original signatures.
  • Any other useful info available on the old documents.
  • Are you interested in this? Write us at or fill this form

    Next picture shows the demographic trends in Lappano from the Italian Unification (1861).
    This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


    To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Lappano. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Lappano archives, expecially if you have not exact dates (there could be cases of homonymy).
    It’s useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Cosenza province are:
    Aiello, Barone, Bruno, Caputo, Caruso, Chiappetta, De Luca, De Marco, De Rose, Esposito, Falcone, Ferraro, Filice, Fusaro, Gabriele, Gagliardi, Gallo, Garofalo, Gaudio, Gencarelli, Gentile, Giordano, Greco, Guido, Leone, Longo, Madeo, Marino, Martino, Mazzei, Morrone, Nicoletti, Nigro, Palermo, Perri, Perrone, Porco, Presta, Pugliese, Rizzo, Romano, Ruffolo, Russo, Salerno, Santoro, Spadafora, Sposato, Veltri.

    Church Records in Lappano

    Church archives in Cosenza province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
    So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Calabria started during 1500!

    Parish archives are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
    But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Lappano on your behalf to gather info about your family history during centuries.

    In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Lappano:

    S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA – Piazza S. Giovanni Battista

    For our experience, if you plan to come here to visit Lappano, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
    This because a comprehensive genealogy research is time consuming!

    Starting from home, you will have time to get a complete research avoiding to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
    (Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
    With the results gathered by our genealogist and translated in your language before your arrival, you will have the possibility to plan carefully your visit.
    In this way you will have more free time to enjoy your tour to the roots on your ancestors footsteps.

    Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives of Cosenza.

    If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Lappano area , write to or fill the form here.

    Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

    If you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Calabria and of course in Lappano too.

    Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Lappano forum:
    if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Lappano feel free to leave a message below.

    29 thoughts on “Genealogy in Lappano”

    1. I trying to find out if I have any relatives still living in Lappano. My great grandmother’s name was Francesca Iusi and she married Domenico Caputo. We are planning to visit southern Italy next spring.

    2. I’m looking for information for the Italian side of my family. I honestly don’t believe their last name was Lappano but that is how I’ve known them. My Grandma was Mary Carol Lappano (siblings Salvatore and Thomas). Her father was Francesco Antonio Lappano brrn. July 17, 1898 Rovito, Cosenza, Italy. Died Sept. 5 1990 Spokane, WA. His wife was Eva Palmieri. Franks parents were Salvatore Fedele Lappano (2-19-1878 death 1-21-1936) and Maria Lucia Scarpelli (12-13-1878 death 6-1-1946 Spokane,WA). I believe Salvatores parents were Gabriel and Caroline Bruno. After that is a massive brick wall any help would be fantastic.

      1. Jeff, my father was Thomas and Mary was my aunt. I do not remember my aunt mary but my sister Pam( deceased) looked like her in some photos i have seen)
        I too would Love to see where our ancestry begins.

    3. Hello
      I am researching Salvatore Covelli (Cavelli) born 23 Sept 1868 in Lappano. His father was Vincenzo Cavelli and mother was Josephine Mitana.

      Salvatore married Louisa Scarpelli born 5 Feb 1873 in Lappano. Her father was Salvatore Scarpelli

      They had two daughters: Assunta born 26 Oct 1893 Lappano
      Fenicia born 26 Oct 1895 Lappano ( Not sure if this is the correct date )

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!
      Thank you!

      1. I have a lot of info on him going backwards. Not much more than you going forward. Let me know if you are interested.

    4. I’m heading to Lappano in Spring. I have more info gathered and have done DNA testing. My grandfather Serafino Gervino was born in Lappano. His parents Salvatore Gervino and mother Lifriorianna Grozio. He emigrated in 1905 at age 15. Looks like he was meeting his uncle in NY. Giuseppe lifrieri. His father Salvatore Gervino came in 1906 . Looks like he had relatives in Chicago. He didn’t care for the US and went back to Italy. My grandfather never saw him again. His mom died when he was 18mos old. And had a sister Maria. I would like to know more about her and her family. Anyone with any info feel free to share

      1. Hi Charmayne, I have been researching family in italy and learned my grandmothers last name was Lifrieri, (first name Vincenza) not a common one in the Cosenza region. Not sure how to look into this further but I am contacting the the Lappano church registry to learn more.

    5. I am searching for info or relatives of my husband’s grandfather. Here is the info we have:
      *Massimo Frank Covello, born 9.25.1885, Lappano
      *Father was Pasquale Covelli(with an “i”, not an “o”), mother Maria (no maiden name found).
      *. Immigrated to NYC in 1985.
      We would like to know if there are any relatives out there. Covello is not a common name in the US, so there aren’t a lot of us around.

    6. Hello
      My name is Gerald Gerbasi, My father was born in Lappano March 20, 1920
      He had 1 brother born in Lappano Michele Gerbasi January 30, 1914 and he died in Lappano March 30, 1920. An older brother Francesco Eugenio Gerbasi was born in Aprigliano August 1914. My grandparents were Salvatore Gerbasi and Giuditta Pucci.

      I have been unable to trace my familiy back any further and was hoping you might be able to advise where I can find more records on my family such as marriage records of my grandparents, who my great grand parents were and where I can find more information about my family

      I would greatly appreciate any information you could provide or suggestions of where I might find more information.

    7. My grandfather Giuseppe Pasquelle Caravetta was born in Lappano on August 27, 1880. His parents may have been Antonio Caravetta and Theresa Bruno. He departed from Naples April 1910 on the S.S. Louisiana and arrived in NYC on May 2, 1910. Several of his siblings also immigrated to US but not all. If you have any information regarding Giuseppe Pasquelle Caravetta, it would be much appreciated.

      Thank you,

    8. My grandfather Giuseppe P. Caravetta was born in Lappano on August 27, 1880. He departed from Naples and arrived on Ellis Island on May 2, 1910. I believe he had a sister named Ida. This is all I know. Any information you may have on my grandfather would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.


    9. Looking to find info on my grandfather Salvatore Gervino. From Lappano, born in the late 1880’s. Believe his mother died when he was a baby. His father brought him to Chicago in the early 1890s. He had an uncle in Chicago that his father left him with. His father returned to Italy. I believe he had a sister bUT this is about all the info I have. Anybody familiar with this family? Thank you!

      1. My great great grandfather’s name is Michele Gervino, born right around 1865. He was from Lappano and had 5 children when he left from Naples to Ellis Island in 1900 at age 35. He then had 5 more children in the U.S., the first of which was my great grandfather. They grew up around the Pittsburgh area. We still don’t know why our last name changed from Gervino to Ross (which is signed on his death certificate). The population was so small in the town and the timing is right, my grandfather told me we already had family over before Michele came over in 1900. Could we somehow be on the same search??

        1. We might be. I just found my grandpa’s birth certificate today. Looks like his father had a sibling named Michele. Let me do a little more digging.!

    10. My father was borh in Lappano on Sept. 19, 1907. His parents name were Anmunziato Intrieri and Saveria Scarpelli. He emigrated to the US in March of 1923 along with his father.He told us before he died in 1967 that he had a step-sister in Lappano but we have no other information. I would like to find out if I still have some family in the Lappano area.

      1. My great grandmother was from Lappano and her name was Maria Scarpelli, my great grandfather was Frank Scarpelli, they both had the same last name before marrying. Also my Grandmother was born there Elissa Scarpelli and her brother was Anthony Scarpelli. In addition my Grandfather was Joseph Grano, with siblings Romano, Edwardo and about 10 others I dont know. Any of this match what you have? Would love to put together all the peices.

        1. Hello Bea, I came across your post from 2015, while i was researching my own family tree. i have some information i would like to share with you if you are still interested. Apparently we are somehow distantly related, as i recognize the name of Joseph Grano, Romano and edward, etc. If you are interested in seeing the “family tree” where those names appear, kindly reply back.

        2. Could you contact me on this family? That is my family as well I think. My Great grandfather was Anthony Scarpelli who married Felicia Carraveta

          1. I am also a descendant of Scarpelli and Derose families…..Michael Carravetta
            Great Grandmother was Maria Scarpelli who married Fortunato DeRose.

            I’m 69 years old and live in Janesville, WI

            1. just reaching out not sure but my grandfather was Giuseppe carravetta from spezanno and one of my friends is Giovanni scarpelli from lapanno , we are both headed to lappanno and spezzanno next month from british columbia canada .

        1. This is all so amazing to me. My Grandmother was Filomena Covello and her husband, my Grandfather was John Baptist Scarpelli. I know they were 1st cousins and had to have a special dispensation from the Pope. I had no idea where we were from until I saw this. Gina

    11. My grandparents were from Lappano Italy – Michael Covelli and Antoinette Sproveri. My great grandparents last name was DeMarco.

      I would love to be able to locate some relatives from the area and connect with them.



      1. I’m not sure if you’re still checking this, but I am also a Sproveri with a DeMarco surname through one of the marriages. Small world!

    12. I am beginning my research on my grandparents and Their families who lived in Lappano
      My grandparents named where Frank and Lucy Covelli , they had three sons Tony, John and
      Mario.I believe my grandmothers maiden Name was DeMarco.
      I am interested to know if there is any Record of other siblings of my

    13. Hello,

      Researching Michael and Louisa Filicetti from Lappano that immigrated to the US in 1905. I know they departed from Naples and arrived Ellis Island. Michaels Date of birth is November 8, 1885. If you could help me get started on finding this lineage, marriage certificate, baptism ect… Would be appreciated.

      Best regards,


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