Genealogy in Bugnara

If you search your ancestors in Bugnara, in the province of L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy, Abruzzo region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Bugnara

In towns and villages of Abruzzo and in L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Bugnara town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Bugnara, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Bugnara during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Bugnara to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Abruzzo and of course in Bugnara too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Bugnara from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Bugnara. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Bugnara archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in L’Aquila province are:
Bianchi, Bisegna, Bonanni, Centofanti, Cipriani, Colangelo, D’Alessandro, D’Amico, D’Andrea, D’Angelo, De Angelis, De Santis, Di Benedetto, Di Carlo, Di Cesare, Di Domenico, Di Felice, Di Girolamo, Di Loreto, Di Marco, Di Paolo, Di Pietro, Di Renzo, Di Stefano, Gentile, Giuliani, Graziani, Leone, Liberatore, Mancini, Mariani, Marinucci, Morgante, Pace, Paris, Parisse, Persia, Petrella, Presutti, Ricci, Rossi, Sabatini, Santilli, Santucci, Silvestri, Tarquini, Valentini, Venditti.

Church Records in Bugnara

Church archives in L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Abruzzo started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Bugnara on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Bugnara:



Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Bugnara area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

If you want to read this page in other languages:



Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Bugnara forum:
if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Bugnara feel free to leave a message below.

58 thoughts on “Genealogy in Bugnara”

  1. I used your genealogy services in 2021 and 2022 and it was the best thing I ever did. You were able to provide 6 generations of my specific family tree which has proved invaluable to keep my research moving forward. My mom turns 65 in a few years and the plan is to take her to Bugnara to see where much of our history started. I loved finding out we used to have a space in our name Di Bacco, which explains why we’ve always used a capital B even if the space disappeared (DiBacco). The whole thing reignited my passion to learn more about my family and the various branches.

  2. My grandmother on my father’s side had the name D’Tommaso (Anna) before she married Felix CELLIO. Felix came to America in 1907 on the ship “The Cedric”. He went to work in Youngstown Ohio in the steel mine. He worked in the same steel mill all his life. Anna D’Tommaso Cellio was a Thomas also.
    Felix Cellio or Cellio lived in a blonde stone house two story house outside Bugnara. My dad, Lewis, was born in that house and we (our family) visited Bugnara in August 1962. While walking through the village of Bugnara, we met Uncle Antoine, whom I believed lived there in the village.
    Members of my family are traveling to Bugnara in Summer 2023. They are very interested in finding the house where my dad was born in 1908 in the house outside Bugnara. Grandmother Anna and my dad, Lewis William Cellio (Celio) came to America in 1909 and joined my grandpa Felix Cellio (Celio) in Youngstown Ohio.

  3. I am searching for living relatives with the surname “Casasanta” and “Celia”. My grandfather was Loreto Casasanta born in1880. My grandmother was Labrana Celia born in 1885. I am applying for Italian citizenship, but would like to visit Bugnara sometime soon. I would like to make contact with my relatives still living there. Grazie

    1. My last name is Casasanta my dads dad is from Bugnara Italy born there . My grandfather was born in 1919 there. They could be relatives of my dads grandparents. We don’t live there but we are searching for our relatives as well there

  4. I am looking for info on Emilio Yannessa I know the name was changed. I think it was Iannessa. He settled in New Castle Pa. Do not know of any relatives. He passed away in 1938. Is see alot of that name from Bugnara, Italy.

    1. Hello, I see that your post was from 2021 but wanted to try and connect with you. My 2nd great-grandmother was Donata D Iannessa – I found that she had two brothers who came to the states and settled in Philly – both changed the spelling from Iannessa to yannessa. I wonder if Emilio is part of this family, my guess is yes.

  5. My great grandparents were Dominic & Filomena (Leone) D’Andrea of Torre dei Nolfi. Can anyone tell me anything about one of their sons named Francesco. All I know if him is that he came over to New Jersey and had a son. Thank you.

  6. My father Donato Forte was born in Bugnara June 25 1928. Parents were Adele Santilli and Liborio Forte. My dad came to America in 1949 and settled in Aliquippa PA. I’m traveling to Bugnara in April and would like a local to show me around the village where my father lived. I do not speak Italian but understand a little. I will be arriving April 6-14.

  7. I am looking for any information on the Pasquale family. they settle in Aliquippa Pa around 1898 and later moved to New Brighton,Pa. Francesco Pasquale and his son Pasquale Pasquale

  8. My Great Grandparents were from Bugnara. Joseph Gennaro and Dora Gennaro. Joseph had a brother named Jesse Gennaro. They immigrated to the US, Youngstown Ohio, I believe sometime in the early 1900’s. Is anyone related? Does anyone know of family here in the US or Bugnara? I would appreciate it.

    1. My Gennaro Family came in the early 1900’s. Dominic, and sons Dan, Vincent, and John. They settled in Ambridge and Aliquippa Pennsylvania.
      I do not know if Dominic had siblings.
      Vincent was my Grandfather.

      1. My grandfather was Domenic Iannessa from Bugnara. He was the first son of Vincente and Gemma Iannessa. They relocated to Youngstown Ohio where he met and married my grandmother Antonietta Mignella. Vincente’s parents were Domenic and Loretta Iannessa but I don’t have any other information before that.

    1. Monica. My name is Mark. My grandfather was named Berardino Di’Dionisio. He was from Bugnara. He birth year was 1890 and was married to my grandmother Niva. They had four children (Antonio and Maria born in Bugnara) and two born in the U.S. (Patrick, my father and Barney). They lived in Youngstown, Ohio. I am looking for information on where they lived in Bugnara and if there are remaining relatives in Bugnara. I plan on visiting the area next year if I can get some information on this. If you have any information that would help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  9. I am interested in finding the parents names of Cesidio D’Tommaso who was born in Bugnara on April 29, 1882 and was married to Liberata DeFiore. Came to America in 1905. Also any brothers or sisters.

    1. Did guiseppa have a brother frank and augustino? They came to America and were in Penn., changed their name from Di’tomasso to Thomas? We have a lot of the family tree. My paternal family is di Tomaso and maternal is Nolfi. Many of the names on here are on our tree. From what my great grandma told me bugnara was Avery small village

    2. JoAnn the father of Cesidio was Salvatore Di Tomaso born 1859. Salvatore was the brother of my great grandmother. Cesidio’s mother was a Gennaro. He had many siblings.

  10. Looking for info relating to and/or family related to Guiseppe Di Tommaso and/or wife Josephine Deramo. Immigrated to Ellis Island, US from Bugnara during 1930s with their daughter Irene, who was my grandmother (took the English surname Thomas at that time). I am going to be in Bugnara at the end of June 2018 and would love to link up with anyone who may be a distant relative and/or anyone who knows their history.

  11. looking for my great grandfather pasqueles parents i belive he lived in morro d oro his wife was maria polumbo and they had 4 children a son gabriel and 3 daughters

  12. Would love to find information on my grandparents Magno (Mike) and Frances Trombetta (her maiden name was Nolfi). Thank you.

    1. Hey Chris,
      I have both of these surnames on my Italian side, from Bugnara. We should connect to see if we are related somehow. I know some if the family settled In Pennsylvania, Youngstown Ohio, Michigan, and New York.
      Best, Cori

  13. Hi
    My parents were born in Bugnara, Angelina Ventresca née Di Tommaso (14.06.1928) & Giovanni Ventresca (15.09.1928) (think was born in Torre Dei Nolfi then moved to Bugnara as a small child. I have visited Bugnara once in 2007 and saw my Grandmothers (maternal) resting place, her name was Niva Di Dionisio and Grandfather (maternal) was Leonardo Di Tommaso, however, do not know where his resting place is. On my paternal side, Grandmother was Anna Lo Stracco who married Abele Ventresca (Abele moved to Philadelphia).
    I would like to find out as much as possible of my grandparents and great grandparents going back as far as records allow. I am led to believe our family lived in Bugnara (and nearby hamlets) for centuries, however, I am not sure where to start with it all. Any advice would be great. Thank you.

    1. We have many Di Tommaso ancestors from Bugnara as well. But I can’t find much info like you. I don’t recognize any of your names either but I’m sure they are all connected somehow. We are from the Angelo Di Tommaso and Domenica Di Fiore line they were born 1855 and 1859 respectively. They came to Ellis island and lived in Chicago. I’d love to find a connection and more family members!

      1. I am wondering if you are related to my husband. His great grandparents came from Bugnara – Crispino Ventresca (born Oct 20 1887 in Bugnara, came to the US in 1920) and his wife Margia Giammarco Ventresca (born 1890 in Bugnara, followed husband Crispino to the US in 1923 with their children). Some of the family Americanized the last name to Ventres, others did not. They came through Ellis Island and settled in Worcester MA. I am trying to research them for my husband and am having a hard time finding out much.

        1. Lisa, Crispino changed his first name to “Christy” and his las name to Ventres. His wife was Marzia, with a “Z”. In Worcester MA., they lived at 268 Belmont Street. They came from the village of Torre dei Nolfi, a section of the town of Bugnara. I am not direct family, but I do recall both of them and visiting at their home with my father back in the early 1960’s. Marzia wa referred to as “Marziell “, by those who knew her ( meaning, little Marzia, though she wasn’t ” little “. Much like Johnny for John.)

  14. I’m interested in learning if any of my grandparents relatives are still living in Bugnara. My grandfather was Ernesto Quinque – one of I believe 10 children – and he married Filomena Salomone (sisters, Angelina and Donata).

  15. Hello,
    I am looking for information about Frank and Marianna Cresta (her maiden name was Di Tommaso. According to their immigration records, there last residence was in Bugnata. I’m not sure if either were born there. They had a son Antonio too. if anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it. Both were born around 1881/1882.

  16. Looking for information on my paternal grandfather’s family. Name is Francisco Vittorio- born in 1906. Father was Luigi Vittorio and Mothers name was Marie Domenica Gugliemi. He immigrated to the US along with 2 brothers,

    1. Hi Diane. I will research your family names to see if possibly we have a connection. I am looking for my great-grandfather born 1861. His name was Vittorio di Profio. He was married to a Maria. His son, my grandfather, was Tommaso Di Profio born 1898 in Bugnara, Italy.

    1. Hi Rebecca,
      I have Iannessa in my family line as well. I’m not sure if you saw my older message or not. My great-grandfather, Gaetano Felice is also from Bugnara…his parents were Vittorino Felice and Donata Iannessa. I just learned through DNA testing that Donata had brothers who came to the states. They changed the spelling to Yannessa, and are mainly in Pennsylvania. A few of my great-fathers sisters also ended up settling in Pennsylvania as well. My GG ended up in Michigan, and raised a family there.

      1. I’m trying to locate information on my husband’s grandfather. His name was Thomas Domenic Iannessa, born June 10, 1874 possibly in Bugnara. He came to the US in 1890. Trying to find his parents and siblings info. I believe his father was Guiseppe Iannessa and mother Ceceilia DiBacco. Donata was Thomas Domenic’s sister. I think you have been in contact with my son, Joseph, who has tried to put the Yannessa family tree together. Do you know anything more about Donata’s siblings? Was it only two brothers?

        1. Hello, Anne.
          Yes, I have chatted with your son. I’m regards to the Iannessa/Yannessa Family…I have only been able to confirm the two brothers of Donata, but there could possible be more siblings…some who may have stayed in Italy. I’m just getting back into this particular side of the family, so I will try to research this. I will let you know if/when I find anything.

          1. Hi Cori, this topic in my family has just come up again and I remembered that I had left this message a while back, not really thinking I would get a response from anyone. I had just checked today and what do ya know, I saw that you acknowledged my inquiry. My great grandfathers name was Victor Iannessa, although I have seen it spelled differently on various documents that we have, i.e. Ianesso; Ianessi. I could never be sure if this was how it was interpreted by those filling out the documents and the unwillingness or inability of someone who does not speak English to correct someone. My great grandmother was named Drusiana Ditomasso. They had originally settled in Freedom Pennsylvania before relocating to Youngstown Ohio. Again I am not sure how we can get in touch with each other but I would like to hear from you and see what, if any, information you can provide. Thanks for responding and I will be sure to check back more frequently!

        2. My fathers family is from Bugnara. Our last name is Anness, I was always told that it was “Americanized” when our ancestors came over and that the Italian name was Iannessa. His ancestors settled in Youngstown, Ohio. I would like to hear anything you may know about the Iannessa ancestral line.

          1. Hi Michael,
            I am part of the Iannessa line from Bugnara. I can give you all of the information that I have. I have many connections to Youngstown as well, although I thought it was through my Felice line. Donata Domencia Iannessa was my 2nd great-grandmother, and she married Vittorino Felice. I’d love to chat with you. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to leave my email address, but I’ll try. Hopefully you will get notification of my response.

          2. Hello. My lineage come from the Iannessa Family in Bugnara. My Great Grandfather was Dominico Iannessa, Grandfather Vincenzo Iannessa and father Domenic Iannessa. I am a first generation American who grew up in Conway Pennsylvania, 5 miles from Freedom. We may be related somewhere in our family tree.

          3. Hi Michael, So much time has passed but getting back to this side of my family so thought I would check back here. I wish there was a better way to connect.

      2. Hello I am also looking for information about my grandfather Emilio Yannessa. He settled in New Castle PA. He passed in 1938. I know his name was changed from Iannessa.

  17. I am looking for any information that pertains to my grandparents Anthony Marsilio and Anna Colangelo, birth, mariage, work, home address, anything that may give me a lead.

    Thank you

  18. I’m looking for a copy of my great grandparents marriage certificate to learn the correct spelling of my last name,and learn my family lineage. I think my great grandmother, Caterina Mazzocca, was born in Bugnara and immigrated to Boston in 1898 with her two year old daughter Annina. I’m not sure when they were married but it must have been around 1894.I have found some documents for my great grandfather with his name spelled Giovanni Giuliano, Giuliani, Julian, Giulianni. Grazie for any help you can give

  19. I’m interested to find my materal Grandparents family, I’m looking to find the surnames of Onofrio Giannitti 1916 and Bambina Solomone 1917. I’ll be visiting Bugnara this summer 2016. I would like some information on where I should look for information.

  20. This inquiry is for my husband’s family:Presutti. He has a copy of a certifica, stamped in Commune di Bugnara for the family list with birthdates. Cesidio born 1854 in Sulmona, his wife Maria Grosso, born 1856 in Alfadena, and their children: Francesco, 3 August,1882, Domenico 10 April, 1888, Adele, 23 June 1896, Gemma, 12 May 1885, Raffaele, 30 April 1891 all in Bugnara. They all immigrated to the US in the late 1890s. We visited Sulmona/Bugnara about 14 years ago and poked around but found no link to this family line even though there are many Presuttis in Pratola Peligna and the area. We would like to find out the rest of the lineage, any remaining relatives etc… if you have any direction for us. Thanks, Diane and Lenard Presutti

  21. my grandfather,paolino jannetti, born in bugnara, 28 sept 1878.i can’t seem to find any info.or his wife maria.i would like to visit if I had more info. thank you very much. joseph caico

    1. Hello Joseph,

      Paolino was my great grandfather, and I, too, am trying to track down information. My grandfather was Camillo, Paolino’s firstborn son. Do you have any information on Maria?

      best, Richard

      1. hi Richard,sorry so late. where do you live ? I have no info on maria. who my mother was named after, though they called her Virginia.and was from a huge family in Massachusetts. because they changed the spelling of the names it’s hard to track father was born in sicily and traced back about 300 years. been to his birth place 6 times. I would like to do that with my mothers side.if you have any info . that would be great.. thanks…joe caico

    2. Your grandfather’s last name is spelled Giannitti, my grandfather was born Onofrio Giannitti 1916. His Father was Domenico Giannitti married Grazia Colangelo from Bugnara.

  22. My great-grandfather, Gaetano Di Felice or Felice was born 1888 in Bugnara. We have had a very difficult time finding any information on him or his family, all but one sister came to the US…but both his mother and father died in Bugnara. Some of my family members have had their family in Italy try and help, but have had no luck. Gaetano had 4 siblings, Yolanda (remained in Italy), Natalia, Fortuna, and Maria Niva Nicolina…and his parents were Vittorino Di Felice or Felice and Donata Ianessa. If you have any advice for me, I would greatly appreciate it! Also, The Felice/Di Felice is confusing too, both Gaetano and his father, Vittorino has Di Felice written on the passenger list, but used Felice when they arrived on all of their other documentation. His sisters used just Felice on the passenger lists, so I don’t don’t which is correct. Thanks, Cori

    1. Cori, My grandmother, Francesca Felice Tataseo arrived in the USA from Bugnara, Italy in 1919. Ellis Island records show her mother as La Maria Filomena Felice.
      There seemed to be a lot of name changes in those days, but it would appear that we are probably related.
      Another relative was Nicholas Felice. They all settled in the Beaver Falls Pa. area.
      I found online the list of surnames recorded in the Catasto Onciario of Bugnara in the year 1742, which lists 5 families with the surname Felice.
      Would love to hear if you have found any more information. Fran

      1. Hello Fran,
        I am just now seeing your message, otherwise I would have responded sooner. My great-grandfather and most of his siblings also ended up in PA, in Aliquippa. He eventually moved to Michigan where he met and married my great-grandmother. I believe one sibling ended up in the New Jersey Area. My gg-grandfather is Vittorino DeFelice/Felice who married a Donata Domenica Ianessa. I’m sure there is some type of connection between us.

      2. Hi Fran,

        My husband’s grandfather is Victor Tataseo. He was from Bugnara/Abruzzo and came to the US in 1920 and then settled in Sharon, Pennsylvania. There must be a relation to each other, don’t you think? I’ve been doing some ancestry research but your grandmother’s name hasn’t come up. Have you heard of Victor Tataseo?

  23. My grandfather Antonio Colangelo came here with his brother aladino and Angelo Colangelo. I do not know his parents names.

  24. I’m interested in researching my Colangelo relatives that were from Bugnara. My great grandfather Gaetano Colangelo was born around 1902 to Panfilio Colangelo and Rosetta Ventresca, and came to the U.S. along with his brothers Attilio, Michele, and Gregorio.

    Would love to find out more about him and the rest of our lineage.

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