If you search your ancestors in Castellammare del Golfo, in the province of Trapani, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.
Civil Records in Castellammare del Golfo
In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Trapani province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Castellammare del Golfo town hall archives as of that date.
(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Castellammare del Golfo, please follow this link)
So, if your ancestors lived in Castellammare del Golfo during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Castellammare del Golfo to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Castellammare del Golfo too!
Next picture shows the demographic trends in Castellammare del Golfo from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.

To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Castellammare del Golfo. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Castellammare del Golfo archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Trapani province are:
Accardo, Adamo, Adragna, Alagna, Amato, Angileri, Asaro, Barbera, Barraco, Campo, Catalano, Coppola, D’Angelo, Di Giovanni, Di Girolamo, Di Stefano, Ferro, Fontana, Genna, Giacalone, Laudicina, Licari, Lombardo, Maggio, Maltese, Marino, Messina, Milazzo, Oddo, Palermo, Parrinello, Pellegrino, Piazza, Pipitone, Poma, Rallo, Renda, Rizzo, Romano, Russo, Saladino, Sammartano, Sciacca, Stabile, Titone, Tumbarello, Valenti, Vultaggio.
Church Records in Castellammare del Golfo
Church archives in Trapani province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!
They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Castellammare del Golfo on your behalf.
In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Castellammare del Golfo:
S. ANTONIO DI PADOVA – Corso Garibaldi
S. GIUSEPPE – Via Crispi
SS. CROCIFISSO – Via Fugardi-cappuccini
S. ANTONIO DI PADOVA – Corso Garibaldi
SS. CROCIFISSO – Via Fugardi-cappuccini
Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.
Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Trapani
Address: S. Anna, 22 – Trapani
Phone: +390923 546355 552706
Days and opening hours: from mon. to fri. :from 08,00 to 18,00 sat. :from 08,00 to 13,30 weekly closing: Sunday; no reservation
If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Castellammare del Golfo area , write to castellammaredelgolfo@italianside.com or fill the form here.
Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.
If you want to read this page in other languages:
– Italiano
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– Portuguese
Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Castellammare del Golfo forum:
if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Castellammare del Golfo feel free to leave a message below.
My grandfather Frank Salerno and my grandmother Giovanna and my mother Francesca Salerno…..my mother was born in 1928 and they came to the United States around 1939
My family is Adragna my great grandparents where Camilo Adragna. Can you help with their family? Copies of birth certificate and parents
I am checking to see ownership of my ancestral home at via Trieste 54. want to visit and need to know who to contact
Good Morning
I am researching my Italian family who immigrated to South Africa between 1890 and 1910.
My grandfather name Giuseppe Antonino Munna
My grandmother name Giuseppina Ciaravino , born 23 December 1863
Any help would be appreciated
I’m looking for any information regarding Salvato and DiGregorio families from Castellammare around 1860-1910. Giuseppe Salvato son of Pietro Salvato and Teresa Savilli married Lucia DiGregorio daughter of Lorenzo DiGregorio and Giacoma Giorgio on 3 Feb 1891. They had five children and sailed to US in 1902 for Manhattan. Giuseppe left the family and went to San Francisco as the story goes never to be heard from again. Lucia and family lived at 415 E 10th St and 210 1st Avenue. I’m most interested in family living or deceased in Castellammare.
Thomas – My grandmother was Guiseppa Salvato (she went by Josephine) and born in New York in 1918, but moved with her parents to Boston and grew up in the North End there. My father always said her family was from Castellammare del Golfo. She passed in 1982, her married name was Folger. Any information would be appreciated.
I am beginning to research my grandfather’s origins in Castellammare del Golfo. He was born on August 27 1896. This info is to pursue my Italian citizenship. His name is Giacomo Adragna. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Dana.
My grandfather was Frank Asaro, and his sister Anna. They migrated from Castellemare to the US around 1913, as young teens. I believe there father was Natale. Would love any information on family roots.
I’m looking for information on the LaBita (Labita) family. I know they were from Castellamarre del Golfo before coming to the USA around 1910. I’m hitting a wall. Any information would be appreciated
I am a Puma whose grandparents came to America in @ 1910. They were Antonio Puma who Married Maria Di Bona born Feb 10, 1893. Antonio died of the Spanish Flu on Jan. 30, 1920 at 30. My father was Saverio born on Jan 18, 1915. They lived on East 10th Street, Manhattan. I believe Maria’s mother was Antonia Galante who died in 1946. She, Antonio are buried at Calvary Cemetary in Woodside, Queens.
My grandmother’s maiden name was Puma. She was Sabastiana Puma, married to Paolo Migliore. They migrated from Castellammare via ship from Palermo around 1911. Many Pumas followed thereafter and lived in Queens NY. I am looking for information on Migliore side. I can’t get past Paolo who had a brother Antonino Migliore.
Ciao a tutti,
I’ve been researching in order to obtain the correct documents needed for applying for dual citizenship. I started over 20 years ago but couldn’t gather enough accurate information at the time and intended to study abroad in Italy with hopes of researching while there but it didn’t happen, unfortunately. I’ve been trying again and don’t have contact with other relatives who know much at all. I was searching for information on Angelo D’Anna, born about 1891 from Castellammare del Golfo, Trapani region. Years ago, I was able to find the ship that he came over and it was during the 1920s. He lived in New York,, New York. He was married to Marianna or Maria Anna. When I saw her name come up on the ship manifest for the S.S. Regina d’Italia 1921, it had her name as Marianna D’Anna as well as another name alongside hers, Pietro D’Anna. Her maiden name was Rapolo. From what I gathered many years ago, it was said that she was from Marsala but the ship manifest states Trapani. Of course she could have just sailed from Trapani. I found census records of Angelo D’Anna from 1940 in the US and it correlates with children and dates.
I would appreciate any information regarding…
I looking for some family Genealogy help that has to do with relatives from the community of Castellammare del Golfo, Trapani, Sicilia, Italy. I’ve only been able to get as far as my great great grandparents Luigi Motisi who was married to Angela Buccellato. They had 7 children between 1878 and about 1892. Their children were; Francisco, Pietra, Vito, Antonio, Anna, Nardina and Angela. What I’m trying to find is any records, church records, grave sight photos that can get me beyond them. In my Great Grandmothers documents she indicated that her maternal grandmothers first name was Nardina.
My Great Grandmother, Pietra Motisi married Andrea Como at San Antonio di Padova in Castellammare del Golfo 03 Oct 1903 prior to leaving for America in 1913. My Great Grandfather Andrea returned to Castellammare in 1927 and died there sometime around 1940
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you,
Hi Bill. I’m not sure if you have gotten any further in your research of your grandparents. When I was in CdG in 2017, I visited their lovely cemetary and took photos of some family graves that were impressive and the family Buccellato was one of them. The signage above the graves were as follows: “Ignacio e Benedetto Buccellato e discendenti Borruso e D’Anna” and the second one was “Anna Borruso in Buccellato Rapita all’affetto dei Suoi Cari a 67 anni Il 21 Gennaio 1926 una prece”. The cemetary’s telephone number (if dialling locally) is 0924-31677 (but you definitely need to be able to speak Italian to call them).
All the best in your research.
Hi, I believe I’m a descendant of Stefano Como and Nicolina Ruggeri (parents) Caterina Como (child) as per DNA test. (Mid 1800s)
Caterina gave birth to Salvatore? No marriage?
Salvatore (Como) married Caterina Leone from Erice.
They had 2 children. Caterina-( infant death 1911) buried in Castellemarre Del Golfo. then Salvatore who arrived in NY 1913.
That’s my grandfather.
The purpose of this is that I know I’m related to other Como families here in the NY area. The problem is someone may have not been married 130 years ago.
There are Como’s all around my dad, and I.
There’s second cousins to my dad with the last name Navarra.
Does anyone have any information on Filippo Liseo Fodero? He was born in Agrigento but moved with his family to Castellammare del Golfo. He was born in 1846 and died in 1944. He had several illegitimate children with Vita Teresa Bonventre (sister of Caterina Bonventre Bonnano) and they were given to families in the town. My grandfather was Vincenzo Rocco.
I know this is a longshot, but I thought I would ask. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction. In the middle to late 1800s was there a single man or single family that owned the majority of the land around Castellammare del Golfo? My great-grandfather was given up at birth. It is said his father was a very rich land baron who owned most of the land around the town. The father’s name was supposedly Severino, but I know this could be incorrect as no one can find any records of a Severino in Castellammarre from that time.
That’s the same story we were told about our great grandfather. We were told his name was Barone, but I don’t think that or Serverino is necessarily correct. A cousin who is very deep in this says his real name was Filippo Liseo Fodero and he had several children with Vita Bonventre. They were all given for adoption to families ih town. My grandfather was raised by the Navarra family and given the name Vincenzo Rocco. For some reason, Filippo never married Vita (maybe because the Bonventre’s and Maggadino’s were mafioso?). All the children came to America.
So my dear cousin, can we get citizenship? I wonder. Like if your grandfather (my great grandfather) there should be some birth/baptismal records somewhere.
It would be nice, Holly……but I don’t know how we would go about it. I think it would be too hard to get birth and death certificates. The only death certificate I have is for your great-grandmother, Guiseppa Rocco who died in1980. But don’t fret, your great-grandfather would have frowned on that because he was so proud to be an American that he told me he would never go back to Castellamare de Golfo…..even for a visit!
My Great grandparents were Giuseppe and Giuseppina Campabello from Castellammare, Sicily. They immigrated to New York in the early 1900’s and eventually settled in Chicago. The story my grandfather, John, told me was that his father, Giuseppe, had been adopted by a family in Sicily who then gave him the name “Campobello”, and that his actual last name was Macoluso. I would love to hear from anyone who had a familial connection or has more information. We would like to reconnect with our family in Sicily if possible.
Thank you!
Sir or Madam, does anyone reading this know of the surname, IRACANE ?
My Grandfather hated from Castellammare del Golf and migrated to NYC/Brooklyn around 1912.
he was one of six children:Angelo,Joseph,Concetta, Biagio, Angela,?
Many thanks for any awareness you may be able to provide.
Hi Philip, I am familiar with the surname Iracane. In my opinion it’s not a common last name but it still exists in Castellammare del Golfo.
Hello, is there anyone related to people with the last name Puma from castellammare del Golfo. My grandfathers name was giuseppe puma and my grandmothers name was maria palmeri they settled in Brooklyn New York in the early 1900s.
Bonjour Joseph je viens de lire votre message .
Mon arrière grand père se prenommait Palmeri Michèle il est né à castellammare et son père se nommait Vincenzo Palmeri es ce que cela vous dit quelque chose?
My great uncle was Francesco puma and his wife was Sebastiana (Anna) Stabile. Anna was my grandmother’s sister.
My grandparents are from Castellammare del Golfo. My grandmother, I believe, is related to a Caterina Bonventre. Nonna’s father was Vito Stabile, also from the same town. My grandparents came to America, NYC and lived on the lower East side of NYC as well as some of her sisters. Cousins and other came and settled in Brooklyn. I also believe my great uncle was related to the Bonventres.
Francesco Puma was my great uncle. His wife, Anna my great aunt lived with her daughter across the street from me in Jackson Heights, Queens.
I am related to ancestors with the surname Puma. My grandmother and her family which included her mother and father her two siblings immigrated from Castelemare del Golfo in early 1900’s.. Several other Pumas came from South Africa in the middle of that century. My grandmother’s name was Sabastiana Puma.
My grandmother’s maiden name was Puma. She was Sabastiana Puma, married to Paolo Migliore. They migrated from Castellammare via ship from Palermo around 1911. Many Pumas followed thereafter and loved in Queens NY
I’m actually a relative of this same marriage. Do you want to share information because I am also researching my family
I’m trying to find the marriage record for Antonino DiSalvo and Illuminata Cruciata, about 1838 or 1839. They had one child, Giuseppe DiSalvo. Her father was Sebastiano Cruciata and her mother was Marianna Ventimiglia, at least according to our family stories. Would appreciate any info. Thanks. Bridget
Hi Bridget, if you go on antenati.com you will be able to access birth, death and marriage records. Interestly enough, my great grandmother was names Illuminata Crociata, but she was married to Giovan Battista Brusca. I’m sure these two Illuminatas were related. The Di Salvo, the Brusca and another family the Pizzo were all related. There are DiSalvo still living in Castellammare.
Hi Maria…finally a reply! Thank you so much. My records indicate our name of Cruciatta definitely has a U instead of an O (Chrociata). But, who knows? I’m going to check our your info….greatly appreciated! Thank you.
I’m looking for information on Carlo Ginotti born 31 JAN 1893 in Castellamare del Golfo. He was adopted and his US death certificate lists Dominico & Antonina Marchese (Marchessi) as his birth parents. He came to the States at 17 years old.
Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you,
I am doing research into my family history and would like to find any information that I can regarding my paternal grandparents. My grandmother was Vincenza Ciaravino born in Castledellmare del Golfo on November 29, 1889. Her parents names were Maria Fedora and Gaspare Ciaravino. I would like to know when & how she emigrated to the United States. Which ship, the date and what port she arrived in the U.S. Also, any information that you have regarding my grandfather Guisseppe Calandra who was born in Castledellmare also on March 29, 1886. Any information that you can give me would be helpful. Thank you.
Mary Lynn
I am currently doing research on my dads side of the family. His grandfathers name was Stefano Sarcona, born 1886 in Castellammare, and his fathers name was Giuseppe Sarcona, born around 1860 in Castellamare Del Golfo. The problem that I am having is that I can not find any info on Giuseppe. Any info would help! Thank you
Stephen Sarcona
Hi Stephen,
My name is Christina and I have some info on
Guiseppe Sarcona.
Sorry, I didn’t see this response. Any info on Giuseppe Sarcona would be very helpful. Thanks!
My grandfather was Antonio Messina. He was born in Castellamare Del golfo in 1879 and came to the United States in July 1905.
My grandmother was Anna Cannone She was born in Alcano Trapani in Jan 1886 and came to the United States in 1906.
They were married in Apr 1907 and lived in New York for the remainder of their lives.
I would greatly appreciate any information about them or any family members.
Thank you
Hola,tu abuelo tenia una hermana o madre que se llamaba concepcion?
Hello . . . interested in learning more about Nancy Haggerty (ALUZZO) family from Castellammare. Her dad Pietro Aluzzo was born there in 1895 and arrived in NY in 1920. His brother Frank was born there in 1899 and arrived in NY around the same time in 1920. Nancy’s mother, Marguerite was also from Castellammare and came to NY a year or so later. They married and had 3 daughters (Nancy, Lilian and Josephine). They lived in NJ where Pietro and Frank ran a shoe repair on Main Street in Butler, NJ.
Nancy was born 1922 as a first generation Italian American and is alive and well. I would love to hear from anyone who could share stories about the area or family.
Hi…Mi grandfather Leonardo Chiofalo was born in 1876 in Castellamare del Golfo and died in 1956 in Casablanca, Morocco.
I´m trying to find more Chiofalos born in this small town.
Best regards.
OMG! I must have some coffee. Sebastiano & Marianno Cruciata were my 3rd MATERNAL great grandparents.
Sebastian Cruciata and Marianna Ventimigla are my 5th great MATERNAL grandparents They had 2 children, Michele (1805?) and Illuminata (1808?)
Michele Cruciata and his wife, Marianna, (my 4th gr grandparents, had a son Sebastiano (about 1820) who married Elisabetta Garofalo. Their daughter Marianna Cruciata married Giusepe DiGregorio. Thier son Benedetto married Catarina Garofalo who were my great grandparents.
Illuminata Cruciata and her husband Giuseppe DiSalvo were my 2nd great PATERNAL grandparents. Their son Giuseppe DiSalvo and wife Giuseppa Iracane had several children, one of them, Brigida DiSalvo married Gregorio Genovese…my grandparents.
I am trying to get more information about Sebastiano Cruciata and Marianna Ventimiglia. Anyone out there with info on them? I’d love to hear from you!
I am trying to find my father’s birth certificate..and any other information related to his brothers and parents.
My dad was born in Castellemare del Golfo in 1921. His name is Pietro Fundaro. His father was Gaspare Fundaro and his mother was Angela DiMaria,
My father had three brothers…one died at the age of 1 yr old. His name was Angelo Fundaro. The other two brothers were Gaspare..born in 1917? and Giuseppe, born in 1907.
They left Sicily in 1923 from Palermo on the Dante Alegheri.
My grandfather and grandmother were married in Castellemare…ny grandfather also owned vineyards in Trapani.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Angela Fundaro
Hello Angela
I am trying to find the parents of my GrandGrandfther is name was Giuseppe Fundaro and he get married with Marie Messana in 1925 is there any chance that we are talking about the same Giuseppe?
Thanks for your help, and have a nice days
I looking for some family Genealogy help that has to with the community of Castellammare del Golfo, Trapani, Sicilia, Italy. I’ve only been able to get as far as my great grandparents Giovanni Catalano who married Maria Antonia
Curatola, they had children between the early 1890’s and 1907. Their children were; Leonardo, Rosina, Nicola, Archangelo, Caterina (my G.M), and Guiseppi. What I’m trying to find is any records, church records grave sight photos that can get me beyond them. Now my Grandmother given names. For my aunt we’re Maria Soccorso which is to my understanding the patron saint for the local church.
Now my Grandmother Caterina Catalano married my Grandfather Vito Fremante who also was born in Castellammare del Golfo, but was adopted by the Battiata family as a baby. He didn’t know his parents. He was born in 1896-1969. He later also lived in Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia were it seems the Battiata may have traveled, were I do have his libretto di lavoro or workbook from the ages of 15 to 30 and his Certificato di idoneita or his ability to drive and work on engines 1922. Also have his 1920 granted certificate to travel or his passport.
Any help would be appreciated
Joe Fremante
I’m looking for more information on my husband’s grandparents both from Castellammare del Golfo. Gaspar Galante was born January 1, 1893 and immigrated to the US as a young man. His wife is Ignazzia Giallo also born around that time, maybe 1894. She had several sisters, one of which was Rosalia or something similar. They immigrated to New York as young woman, possibly with their mother. Ignazzia and Gaspar met in the United States. We would like to know if there are any additional family or any additional information you may have.
Thanks so much.
I am trying to find my family from Catellammare del Golfo. My grandfather Gaspare Aluzzo and his sister Catherine (Caterina) came to the US in 1920 with their mother Josephine Lupo. After extensive research I know my great grandfather Gaspare Aluzzo was born 1892 and was murdered in 1925.
I know this much…
Gaspare Aluzzo (1892-1925) his parents were Caterina Bologna and Gaspare Aluzzo
Caterina Bologna parents were Nicolas Bologna and Guiseppa Como
Guiseppa Lupo (1895-1971) her parents were Guiseppe Lupo and Anna Ciaravino
Would love to know if anyone has any further information.
Thank you Danielle
I am looking for information on my grandparents. Their names were Benjamin Agugliaro and Catherine DeBartolo.
My Great grandmothers name was Catherine debatolo . but she was married to Vito salardino in trapani and had my grandmother .
Im looking for information on my grandfather born in Castellammore Di Golfo, his name was Martino DiBenedetto born 1878 his father was Calogero DiBenedetto mother was Antonia Mione
I am a Mione! I’m currently putting together my family tree and know that my grandmother, Josephine Mione, nee Josephine Scoparino, was born in Castellamare del Golfo. My grandfather, Vincent Mione, was born in New York City and lived on 414 E. 9th Street in 1933 (I have a letter). My grandfather’s parents were Joseph Mione and Mary Antoinette Agogliaro. My grandmother’s parents were Joseph Scoparino and Rosaria Zanca. I wonder if Antonia is related?
Hi Analise, my grandmother was Guiseppa Mione born in Castellamare del Golfo in 1893. Her Father was Pietro Mione and her mother was Ignazia Asaro. Her siblings were Rosalia Mione (Zanca), Antonio Mione, Lorenzo Mione, Luigi Mione and Camilla Mione (Russo). She came to America in 1912 and married Vincenzo Rocco, also from Castellamare del Golfo and settled on Christie Street in NYC before moving to Brooklyn. She had three children, Guiseppe Rocco (Salviotto), Dominic Rocco and Vincenza Rocco (Pellizzi). This is the best I can do! Hope it helps…..maybe there is a connection?
My grandfather was Vincent Asaro my grandmother Josephine. Lived in Ensley Al. Children Jean Lagotta Asaro, Dominic Asaro, Mary Asaro Bruno, my dad Alfred Frank Asaro. I wish I knew more. I’ve always wanted to know more
Wow Vincent I am also a Mione however I do not know my great grandfather’s name. My cousin matches on ancestry have Pietro and Ignazia in their trees. Looks like we have a connection, just wish I knew more
Marcia, that’s about all I know. A cousin who is very deep into Ancestry is the one who is adding all these names. It looks like we are related somehow. My grandmother, Guiseppa lived in Brooklyn and two of her sisters lived in Detroit. I don’t know if that helps at all…..good luck searching and please let me know if you find a connection. Thanks, vinny
Analiese, I am also a Mione. My father (Baldassare born 1934 in Castellammare del Golfo) was cousin to Josephine Zanca (Mione) also lived on East 9th street, but in Brooklyn NY, I went to her home every Sunday as a child. My father’s parents are named Luigi Mione and Giacomina Cacittore, I would love to know if we are related. I’m leaving 27th of this month for an extended stay in Castellammare, (about 3 months) I plan on putting together a family tree while there, if I can help you in anyway let me know. I don’t know what will be open as far as official offices because of the Corona but I’m going to do my best to locate my past relatives. I know some of them and they are still living, feel free to contact me. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻 Jacqueline
Hi Jacqueline and thanks for posting. To you and all Mione relatives out there, I am compiling a family tree that includes surnames Mione, Scoparino, Zanca, Asaro, and Agugliaro. My grandfather Vincenzo Mione was born in NY on 26 May 1913 and I’m having a very hard time finding any records for his parents Giuseppe Mione and Maria Antonia Agugliaro, who I believe are both from Castellammare . I’m going to do an AncestryDNA and see if that helps. I also just connected with someone on Ancestry that says that he has all of Castellammare connected between 1650-1900. I’m waiting to hear if he has any records for them.
Regarding Josephine Zanca (Mione), I do not know of her. My grandmother was Josephine Scoparino Mione, her mother was Rosaria Zanca Scoparino and her mother was Josephine Asaro Zanca. My family tree on Ancestry is public.
Ciao Analiese
mi chiamo Melchior, e da quello che posso capire cerchi notizie sulla tua famiglia. Vediamo se le mie notizie coincidono con le tue. Tu sei figlia di Joe e nipote di Mary Ann ( stava vicino rockaway blvd NY)?
Hello. My Grandmother was a Mione. Her name was Rosalie Mione (born in NYC). Her father was Lorenzo Mione, born in Castellammare del Golfo and emigrated to lower Manhattan, then Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. He married my great grandmother, Rosalia Columba Mione, also from Castellammare del Golfo. She came over in 1908 or so. He came over a few years before her. He had a brother named Pietro.
I have a great deal of information about my Stabile ancestors in Castellammare del Golfo. My great-grandmother, Anna Stabile, came to America in 1916. She was one of 10 children, 7 of whom remained in Sicily. I am most interested in the descendants of those 7 children who are alive and living in Sicily today. We are planning a trip to Sicily in June, and my mother and my aunt very much want to connect with those relatives if they are still in the area.
Calogero DiBenedetto and Antonia Mione are my great-great grandparents. Their daughter, Rosaria DiBenedetto and Antonino Genna were the parents of my grandmother, Barbara Genna.
Ciao Jill —
My grandmother , Antonina Genna was your grandmother Barbara’s oldest sister if indeed this is the barbara who lived from 1912-2000… we need to compare notes! I have a lot of interesting details, including US Secretary of State investigations into Leonarda and Giuseppe who were born in Brooklyn unlike the rest of their siblings.
I’m particularly looking for exact death dates for Rosaria DiBENEDETTO and Antonino GENNA if you have that! Drop me an email!!
My grandparents came from Castellamare del Golfo. Maria Stabile and Guiseppe Milazzo. They came to America, NYC. Anna Stabile (Sebastiana) was my grandmother’s sister, my great aunt. She was married to a Francesco Puma and they all lived in the lower East side of NYC. Anna lived across the street from me, when I was a young girl, in Jackson Heights, Queens. She lived with her daughter, Tomassina. If you think we are related, you may contact me. I want to take a trip to Sicily and meet my relatives who may still be there.
Robyn, I believe you and I are related. You stated that Anna Stabile is your great grandmother. She was my grandmother’s sister and lived with her daughter Tommasina Romano, across the street from where my parents and grandparents lived on 95th St. in Jackson Heights between Roosevelt and 37th Aves. So Tommasina would be your grandmother and Tommasina had 2 daughters, Theresa and Annie.
if someone can help me i’m looking for garofalo or como family thank you
I’m a Como. My grandfather, Giovanni di Batista Como, was from Castellammare del Golfo.
Hi, this is a long shot.
Would that GiovanniBattista Como have lived in Endicott, Ny. Son Pietro (Peter)- also born in Castellemarre? Late 1800s- early 1900s
Decendants- Degregio, Scatucci ?- I have DNA match.
Those 2 names may be misspelled.
I’m a Como.
Ha! I’m a Como too! Maybe a little late to the party, but I’m looking for information on Salvatore Como. Born 12/15/13 to a Caterina Leone.
It’s on 2 manifests. Santa Anna, and Lafayette.
Aluzzo, Stabile, names are floating around in the dna (faint)
I’m Salvatore Como Jr. My grandfathers name is Salvatore Como traveled twice with Caterina Leone around 1915.
My Aunt is a Garofalo- related through marriage only.
So, Rosaria di Benedetto (my great grandmother) was Martino DiBenedetto’s sister. They also had another sister named Antonia. Not sure if there were others.
I believe my grandfathers family is Castellamare del Golfo My mothers maiden name Ferro
My grandparents lived in Castellemare before coming to America around 1921. My grandmother was Maria Buccellato and her parents were Mary Asaro and Leonard Buccellato. I am trying to locate the property they lived on. My grandfather was Andrew Camarda and his parents names were Peter Camarda and Nina Asaro. I would love to know where they lived as well. I know there are still many Camarda’s, Asaro’s and Buccellato’s in Castellemare del Golfo and would love to know if I am related to them. I would be grateful for any information.
Hi! My paternal grandfather was Andrew Camarda. He arrived with his family in NYC when he was a child in the early 1900’s, from Palermo area which is not far from Castellammare del Golfo.
Hello, I’m trying to find out if I have any living relatives remaining in Castellammare. My grandfather’s name was Benedetto Messina. He’s was born on March 12, 1890 and came to America ( Brooklyn NY) in the early 1900s. His father’s name was Francesco Messina and his mother’s name was Maria Randazzo. If you have any information on my family I appreciate your help.
My great grandmother is Maria Soccorso Scudera, born on July 25, 1868 in Comune Di Castellammare Del Golfo. figlio di Vito e di Navarra Guiseppa. Maria Soccorso Scudera married Gianbattista Fodera. She was babtised at Chiesa Matrice M. SS. Del Soccorso in Castellammare del Golfo. My grandfather, Vito Fodera is her son. He was born on February 20, 1901. He came to New York in 1917 on the Patria Boat. His mother, Maria
Soccorso Scudera came to New York on the Martha Washington from Palermo on Feb. 11, 1927. I am trying to find any living relatives in Sicily so that we can meet in August when I plan to visit Castellemare del Golfo. I have all original papers. Thank you for your research, I do not know how to get this information.
Can you provide the correct institution that I can contact in Sicily to find information on any living relatives or any location of where my grandfather lived. Greatly appreciated.
Margarita fodera [b 1780]is my great great great mother she married giovan romano [b 1774] they had a daughter maria [b 1824] who married andrea como [ 1822-1880] his is my great great grand father they all lived in castellammare del golfo hope this help
My fathers’s parents were both born in Castellammare del Golfo. I thought they were first cousins. I was there in Castellammare for one day this January. I have my grandfather’s birth info, Filippo Calandra born 8/2/1889. His parents were Pietro Calandra and Rosalia Scuderi. I’m interested in Pietro’s parents (Pietro dob 6/18/1861, his marriage 3/1/1888). I believe his father was Filippo(dob around 1840). My grandmother, Rosa Calandra, dob 6/29/1893, was born to Giuseppe Calandra, dob around 1843?, and Paola Palmeri who died around 1902. I’m interested who his parents were; I thought Joseph and Pietro were brothers but I can’t get any info on either of Rosa’s parents. We went to the library and did see her record but I never got a copy which they were supposed to send to me. We did meet relatives related to Vicenza, my grandmother’s oldest sister who married :Agnello”. Any help would be appreciated.
My great grandmother is Maria Soccorso Scudera, born on July 25, 1868 in Comune Di Castellammare Del Golfo. figlio di Vito e di Navarra Guiseppa. Maria Soccorso Scudera married Gianbattista Fodera. She was babtised at Chiesa Matrice M. SS. Del Soccorso in Castellammare del Golfo. My grandfather, Vito Fodera is her son. He was born on February 20, 1901. He came to New York in 1910 on the Patria Boat. His mother, Maria
Soccorso Scudera came to New York on the Martha Washington from Palermo on Feb. 11, 1927. I am trying to find any living relatives in Sicily so that we can meet in August when I plan to visit Castellemare del Golfo. I have all original papers. Thank you for your research, I do not know how to get this information.
Can you provide the correct institution that I can contact in Sicily to find information on any living relatives or any location of where my grandfather lived. Greatly appreciated.
I’m searching for the birth certificate of my great grandfather. His name at birth was Rosario Fiorelli, born November 4th 1898 in Castellammare del Golfo. My family doesn’t know anything about his real parents. Its said that he was adopted by his birth mother’s brother, Francesco Cardinale and Francesco’s wife Vincenza Ligotti. So from his youth in Buffalo, NY, he went by Rosario “Russell” Cardinale.
I’ve checked with the LDS and the civil registry records that year have a large gap. It seems that nearly all of 1898 is missing.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Mt grandfather was born in Castellamare del Golfo. I had the privilege of going there a month ago and visit only for a few hours. I would love to track down his birth certificate and his parents birth and or death certificates. His name was Giacomo Scibilia; his father was Gaspare . He had two sisters Marianna and Francesca. Mariana came to the US but Francesca lived in Castellemare all her life her married name was Mattarella. My Grandfather was born August 31, 1894. His mother Guiseppina ( Scarcella Maiden name) died around between 1961 & 1963 ..
My father was born in Castellamare del Golfo on April 22, 1950. He lived at 52 Via Guista. He was married there on June 21 1950 to Anna Renda. The Rendas are also from the town. my father moved to America after the marriage. I would like to know if I have any relatives still living in that town. i also would like to know the name of the church they were married in I am planning a trip to Sicily in September and would like to have any informatiion before then. Thank you for your help.
My great grandfather, Antonio Messina, was born in Castellammare de golfo around 1850-1905 but moved to South Africa via Luderitz, Namibia. He married my great grandmother, a German woman by the name Elvira. I’m not sure when or where they got married (in Europe or Africa) but any help you could provide about him would be awesome. He was a fisherman and was involved in helping to rescue people from a shipwrecked boat in South Africa.
Thank you.
Hi, Antonio was my grandfather. He rescued people from a boat called SS Maori that was on its way to New Zealand. His descendants still mostly live in South Africa, although some of us are in New Zealand and Australia.
My grandfather was born in 1881 and died in Cape Town 1952 he was also born in Castellammare he had brothers that carried on to America but he jumped ship in Cape Town, He was also in Ludritz and so was his son, my grandfather was a fisherman in Cape Town we don’t know anything of his side of the family.
Hi Dolores. The dates of your grandfather are different to mine, but maybe his name was Felice Asaro, who was my great grandfather’s uncle/cousin? The seemed to have left Sicily together and ended up marrying sisters. Any of this sound familiar? Kind regards. LeeAnne
Oh my word Ilse, what a lovely surprise!!! What is your dad/mom’s name that is/was the son/daughter of Antonio? I’m his great granddaughter (i.e. Francesca was my nonna). I know of our family near Sydney, but wasn’t aware of NZ! Kind regards from South Africa!
Hi Lee-Anne, My dad is Tony Messina and he lives in Gordons Bay, South Africa. He had me, Ilse and the Lisa, Julian and Chesme. I then had two daughters, Minke and Megan. Minke lives in Auckland, New Zealand and Megan lives in Melbourne, Australia. My nonno, Antonio married Maria Azaro from Castellammare. I was adopted as a baby and have only recently(20 years, he-he) found my Messina roots. It has been a wonderful journey and I am enjoying finding out about it all.I did not know of family near Sydney. Who are they?
Oh my word, that is incredible! I absolutely know your dad…he and my dad were good friends (although your dad was my dad’s uncle) and both lived in GBay. Also, Chesme is the same age as one of my uncle Arthur’s daughters, so they attended Rhenish Girls school in Stellenbosch together.
Your dad was from nonno’s 2nd marriage (Maria Azaro) and my nonna was from nonno’s 1st marriage (to Elvira Villa – still trying to trace her roots but they met in South Africa although I hear she came from Genoa…furthermore, Elvira’s sister, Minerva, married a Felice Asaro, who I believe was nonno’s cousin and the person with whom he travelled from Sicily via South West Africa/Namibia to South Africa. I remember my nonna, Francesca, taking me to see nonno’s house in the Strand…really close to the sea…only later did I realise what a big deal it was that his 1st wife walked out on him and he raised his kids alone for a little while).
Wow! So the family I’m talking about is also from nonno’s 1st marriage – nonno’s son Lenny had 2 sons, and one of them, Jeff, lives near Sydney. Can I put you/them in contact?
My dad’s sister, my aunt, is also called Elvira (but we call her Vee) and it is the two of us that are on a little mission to find out as much as possible about the family. She visited Castellammare last year and I’m heading over in July/August 2017 – can’t wait!
If you have any questions/info, don’t hesitate to shout.
Blessings for 2017!!!
I’m looking for any information on Guiseppa (Guiseppina) Gennaci born in 1858 in Castellammare Del Golfo. She married Salvatore Scalisi who was also born in Castellammare Del Golfo on April 2, 1837. They immigrated to New York in 1906. Any help would be extremely appreciated. I can’t find anything on either of them.
Hi my family is from Castellemare Del Golfo and I believe I still have family there today. I am visiting in August and would love to know where my grandparents lived. The surnames are Puma married to Stabile, Fiorello married to Camarda. Any information would be much appreciated.
To Cristele,
My family is Palazzolo from Castellamarre Del Golfo. In fact, both my maternal grandparents had this surname but were unrelated.
We think a Palazzolo married a Gennaci, who was also related to the Magaddino family (Buffalo, NY).
We may be related.
The Puma’s and Palazzolo’s were cousins and some first cousins married making a Puma-Palazzolo marriage . and the first name Marianne and Marianna is popular in this family line
3rd great grandmother is a puma…. Lucia Puma. Married to my great great great grandfather Vincenzo Guccia.
I remember that my grandmother, Maria Stabile-Milazzo, had relatives in Brooklyn, NY with the name
Palazzolo and her brother in law was Francesco Puma.
I am a Palazzolo. My dad born 1930 in Castellamare, came to US in 1968. His mom’s maiden name was Rosalia Evola.
I am researching a Rosario Fiorelli born Nov 4, 1898 in Castellamare del golfo.
It is possible that his father was a physician, mother was possibly given name Cardinale. Adoptive parents vincenza Ligotti and Francesco Cardinale.
my grandfather was from castellammare del Golfo
He died at the beginning of First world war in the Austrian Italian frontier.
Would you know when he was born and when he died??
His name was Angelo Arcangelo Scozia
My Great grandfather Bartolomeo Chiofalo was born in Castellannare del Golfo around 1866. He emigrated to the US in the 1890’s. I
would like to obtain his birth certificate if possible.
Hi Helen:
If your great grandfather is Bartolomeo Chiofalo, I have great research on the “Chiofalo’s” that can help you.
I want to know if it was possible to find the birth certificate of my great grandfather Luigi Martino, born about Castellammare del Golfo 1900?
kind regards
my family is from Castellamare del Gulfo, there name was Mione. my great grandfather was was Guispie
Hi Deborah……..my mother’s family is also from Castellamare del Golfo. My grandmother’s name was Guiseppa Mione. She came to America around 1910 (NYC) and married Vincenzo Rocco. She then moved to Brooklyn, I know she had a few sisters…..two moved to Detroit and one, Rosalia, lived in Brooklyn. She still has a cousin, Benny Mione, living in New Jersey.
Hello Vincent. I live in Detroit and am the great granddaughter of Camilla Mione /Achille 1885-1975 (your grandmother’s sister). I have a lot of details on her family if interested. Also a few details on the other Detroit sister Maria Mione Russo 1889-. Their parents are Pietro Mione and Ignazia Asaro
Hi Pam, I just saw your reply! I remember your great grandmother visiting us in Brooklyn back in the ’50s. I was a youngster, but I remember how excited my grandmother was that Astsamila was coming. I don’t remember much of the visit, but she was with a few others when she visited. Their other sister, Rosalia, lived arount the block from us and she also came by. There is a cousin on my grandfather’s side, Ray O’Mara who has a very detailed tree on everyone! He loves when people contact him so he can further build his tree.
My grandfather was Pietro Galante and my father was Jim Galante. We visited relatives in Brooklyn, NY many years ago by the name of Mione. The father, Paul, was a projectionist at the Coney Island theater. Is there possibly a relationship?
I recently returned from 2 weeks in Castellemmare, so beautiful, where I attempted to locate information on my grandfather, Pietro Galante, who was born in 1869 and immigrated to America in 1909. At the time he was married to Giuseppa Maranzano Galante who immigrated several years later. When I was about 13 my father took our family to Brooklyn to visit his cousin, Paul Mione, who at the time worked in Coney Island theater as a projectionist. Could you be related to Paul. Please let me know if you may have been related to the Galante family. Unfortunately, I did see the property where my grandfather had his vineyards, which is now gated, but was unable to get a birth certificate. They tell me over 100 years is difficult. Thank you, Joan
My great grandmother was Maria Mione who married Carmelo Puma
The immigrated to America and lived in New York at are buried at Calvary Cemetery. Their daughter Sebastiana Puma married my grandfather Paolo Migliore and there both buried at Calvary as well. I am looking for relatives and records in Castellammare. Maybe someone can help.
Buon Giorno,
what is the address of the Ufficio di Stato Civile for vital records?
We will be visiting in late September and would like to find the place where my grandmother was raised.
Is it in Castellammare del Golfo ?
The grandfather was raised on Minore street in Castellamare del Golfo.
I am french but my family on my mother side is from Castellammare del Golfo. I am looking for my ancesters over there and their history. I would love a copy of their birth, mariage certificate to be able to track them as far as possible.
My grand mother is born at Castellammare del Golfo on the 10th of October 1925, her name ‘Vincenza Palazzolo’. My grandfather, Pietro Magaddino was born on the 2nd of February 1916 at Castellamare del golfo. They got married on the 7th of December 1949 at Tunis, Tunisia.
Do you think you can track their parents and more if possible please?
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards