Genealogy in Grimaldi

Region: Calabria Province: Cosenza

Tracing your Italian roots back to Grimaldi, in Cosenza province, Calabria region?

This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the records available in Grimaldi, unlocking your family’s rich history.
Where to Begin Your Ancestry Journey in Grimaldi
If your ancestral trail leads to Grimaldi, Italy, their vital records are likely housed in two key locations:

  • Grimaldi City Hall Archives: Established in 1809, these archives hold civil registry records like births, marriages, and deaths for Grimaldi residents since then.
  • Grimaldi Parish Churches: For records pre-dating 1809 or for religious ceremonies, exploring Grimaldi’s parish church archives might be necessary.

Civil Records in Grimaldi

In towns and villages of Calabria and in Cosenza province civil registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Grimaldi Town Hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Grimaldi Municipality, follow this link).

So, if your ancestors lived in Grimaldi during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Grimaldi to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
With his deep knowledge of people and local history he will assist you not only finding names and dates (births, marriages, deaths) but he will reveal to you many other precious information on the life of your ancestors available in the old registers.

  • Professions: do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Our genealogist will be able to give you this info!
  • Addresses: the house where your family lived (a great information if you intend to visit Grimaldi !)
  • Churches: where they were baptized or married
  • (If you can’t visit Grimaldi, our researcher will give you the necessary info to find by yourself the relevant places on the maps available online)

  • Signatures: if your ancestors knew how to write, he will be able to show you their original signatures.
  • Any other useful info available on the old documents.
  • Are you interested in this? Write us at or fill this form

    Next picture shows the demographic trends in Grimaldi from the Italian Unification (1861).
    This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


    To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Grimaldi. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Grimaldi archives, expecially if you have not exact dates (there could be cases of homonymy).
    It’s useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Cosenza province are:
    Aiello, Barone, Bruno, Caputo, Caruso, Chiappetta, De Luca, De Marco, De Rose, Esposito, Falcone, Ferraro, Filice, Fusaro, Gabriele, Gagliardi, Gallo, Garofalo, Gaudio, Gencarelli, Gentile, Giordano, Greco, Guido, Leone, Longo, Madeo, Marino, Martino, Mazzei, Morrone, Nicoletti, Nigro, Palermo, Perri, Perrone, Porco, Presta, Pugliese, Rizzo, Romano, Ruffolo, Russo, Salerno, Santoro, Spadafora, Sposato, Veltri.

    Church Records in Grimaldi

    Church archives in Cosenza province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
    So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Calabria started during 1500!

    Parish archives are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
    But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Grimaldi on your behalf to gather info about your family history during centuries.

    In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Grimaldi:

    SANTI PIETRO E PAOLO – Via Emilio Anselmo

    For our experience, if you plan to come here to visit Grimaldi, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
    This because a comprehensive genealogy research is time consuming!

    Starting from home, you will have time to get a complete research avoiding to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
    (Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
    With the results gathered by our genealogist and translated in your language before your arrival, you will have the possibility to plan carefully your visit.
    In this way you will have more free time to enjoy your tour to the roots on your ancestors footsteps.

    Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives of Cosenza.

    If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Grimaldi area , write to or fill the form here.

    Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

    If you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Calabria and of course in Grimaldi too.

    Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Grimaldi forum:
    if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Grimaldi feel free to leave a message below.

    50 thoughts on “Genealogy in Grimaldi”

    1. Sandra

      Looking for Francesco Saverio Ferraro and Colistro
      Salma or Palermo, child Mariano Ferrao April 22, 1893 Grimaldi . Then Mariano was orphaned but raised by either Ferraros or Ensalmo??

    2. Anthony

      Hello, I have sent two emails asking for assistance with regard to my Dual Citizenship application, however, when I hit send, they do not appear in my sent file. Can you have someone contact me or provide me with a phone #, as I would like to have you assist me with my application.

    3. Becky

      I recently found out that my great grandfather was born in Grimaldi. We were always told that he was adopted and that his last name was made up. I am wondering if you would be able to provide the names of his parents? His name was Daniele Dolcetti. Thank you!

    4. Anna

      Cerco informazioni su mia nonna Anna Rocchetta (Rocchetto) Rocchetti) a prestato servizio presso Don Luigi Silvagni negli anni 20, 30,?. Mi anno riferito che e deceduta nel 1942/43. Nel1929 a dato alla luce mio padre che purtropp non lo a riconisciuto e mio padre e stato allevato di una coppia. Mio padre sapeva chi era la madre ma non sapeva chi era il padre. Qualsiasi inormazione sara molto apprezzata.

    5. Nacole

      Hi, I am looking for records of our family & would like to send info. Our name is Gerchio, from Grimaldi.

    6. Paul

      My grandfather’s name was Saccomanno. My great grandmother’s name was Teresina Halyardi. My great grandmother was married to Ralf Saccomanna My grandfather was baptized at St. Nicholas church in Grimaldi. My grandfather lived in Salida Colorado. Would like to know more about the ancestry of Teresina Halyardi.

    7. Julian

      Echoes of Elm st in Pueblo Colorado
      That’s where I get my last name Saccomanno from my great grandfather Giuseppe an my great grand mother’s maiden name was veltri… an other last names I’ve researched in the family… ciddo veltri an Saccomanno are the mane ones an Colistro.

    8. Theresa

      Hello, my great grandfather was left on a door step in mid 1800’s he was wrapped in a blanket put in a basket with a note “my name is Grimaldi do not change my name” the basket was left on a door step. We understand this family kept him and he married their daughter. They went to Canada we believe they had three children and at the time she was expecting my Grandmother. Grimaldi died, how was a mystery but my Great Grandmother had my Grandmother in Philadelphia, Pa around 1889 . To my understanding my Great Grandmother had a brother who lived in New York, We are trying to find out where our Great Grandfather originated from. If any information please reply. Thank you.

      1. Charles

        Smart for the 23 year delay My grandfather’s name was Charles g Monaco birthday Carmine, Monaco from cosanza, the village. I’m trying to find out but he always talked about Gramaldi,,

    9. Mary Noel

      My Grandfather Guiseppi Veltri (b.1888) and his father Gaetano ‘Felippo’ Veltri (b.1859 or 60) both emigrated to Colorado in the USA. Their wives I believe were also from Grimaldi. Anna Naccarato for Fellipo and Anna Marie Guadagnoli (b1891) for Guiseppi. I belive Anna Marie was an orphan.
      If anyone has info about any of them, please let me know. Thank you.

      1. Joe

        My grandmother was Anna Marie (Guadagnoli) Veltri of Grimaldi, Italy, and Grandfather Guiseppe. They lived in Trinidad, Colorado, but she died before I was born. I knew all my uncles and aunts and don’t recognize Mary Noel. How do you fit?

      2. Julian

        I’m a Saccomanno an my great grandmothers last name was veltri

    10. Joe

      I am looking for information on both grandfathers who were born in the Grimaldi area. Giuseppe Veltri born approx 1865 who came to the USA at age 15and moved to Trinidad Colorado. And My maternal grandfather, Giuseppe Aiello born 1879, in Maione. He went to Canada before coming to Utah. I’m seeking names of relatives still in Italy because I’d like to visit both cities and try to connect.

    11. Elaine

      I am trying to find any information on my great grandfather, Raphael Mauro, Born Aug 2,1860 in Gramaldi, Italy. He immigrated to the United States and lived in Salt lake City, Utah where he died August 1931. He Married Josefina Angele Carta, born June 1, 1884 and they married Dec 7, 1901 in Utah.
      I would like to know if there is family still living in Gramaldi and any information on his immigration.

    12. Shirleyanne

      I am trying to find information on Antonio Gabriele Fiorillo born 1851 in Grimaldi who was married to Fenice Bossio born 1848 in Grimaldi. The had issue one son, Pasquale(Charles) Fiorillo born 1885 and died in Fernie British Columbia Canda in 1954. Charles was married to Marie Luisa Veltri 1885-1954 also born in Grimaldi. The family story seems to be that Charles was an only child and that his father,( Antonio Gabriele) was also an only child. I’m sure hoping to prove this to be different. Any help would be so greatly appreciated

    13. Erin

      I’m looking for any information on the Amantea family (my GGF name was either Gofredo or Goffredo?) He was married to Enrichetta Bursa. My grandfather and his brothers immigrated to both Canada and the USA sometime before 1962. Any leads would be appreciated.

      1. Frank

        There is a John Amantea from Grimaldi in the Vancouver B C area. He is about 70 years of age. There are several sisters, all married.
        There is a Grimaldi club in Vancouver. Joe and Nina Jacoy may be able to help you. They are away until some time in February. Best of luck.

    14. Beverly

      I am looking for any Naccarato’s from Grimaldi who are related to the 5 brothers who settled in Priest River, Idaho. And family of Angelo who married Marie Teresa Naccarato. And, family if Antonio who married Carmellina Marie Naccarato. The all immigrated between 1895 -1900. Thank you

      1. Sarah

        Hi Beverly- I know some others (distant relatives) who are also researching this family and they have found a lot of information. I can link you to it if you’d like.

        1. Jace

          I would be interested in this info too as I have relatives that are from the Naccarato family. thanks

        2. Beverly

          So sorry I didn’t get back to you. 2020 hit, other things on my mind. Yes would like that link.

      2. Jace

        Ciao Beverly, I have some information of a Anna Naccarato (Annauza) Born July 1 1879 in Grimaldi, Italy. Married Guerino Iachetta April 22, 1903 Died April 6, 1970 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Anna’s Father was Giovanni Naccarato Born 1859 Approx in Grimaldi, Italy. and he married Rosaria Bruno Bossio, Grimaldi Italy. Died: ? Rosaria Bruno Bossio Born 1853 approx. Died: 1930 in Aiello, Italy.

      3. TG


        Jumping in a bit late but I am super curious now too. I never new of a Colorado link. Fun discoveries!

        My papa (grandpa) was Dell Veltri and his dad was Theadore Veltri the son of Guiseppe Veltri. They were of the family line you mentioned that resided in priest River, Idaho. Perhaps I can help fill in some pieces. 🙂

    15. francesca

      Josie,I sent you message a while ago and did not get a reply. I am still interested in finding out who you are and where you live. There are other Magnone families close to where we live but apparently not related to us. Hope you will reply. Franca Veltri Magnone

    16. dawn

      I am interested in the Rogliano family of Grimaldi. In 1743, there were many households with the surname Rogliano. In time they all moved away, but I believe there were still Rogliano families in Grimaldi in the 1800’s. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    17. J. Sacoman

      Hello all….I am interested in anyiformation I can find on Michele Saccomanno who, to the best of my knowledge was born around 1855 and immigrated to the US from Grimaldi around 1875 – 1880. Parents where Pasquale Saccomanno and Tereza Nigro, both born around 1827.

      1. Lcordova

        Michele was my GGF and I have recently found some information that I would like to share with you. Please let me know how you are related and how to contact you.


        1. Joseph

          Hello Leona,
          I was going through some old info and came across this e-mail chain and was interested in knowing what information you have on your GGF Michele Saccomanno. Michele would be my GGF as well although I have seen his name as Miguel Sacoman in the 1900 census records married to Paula and living in Las Vegas, NM. My grandfathers name was listed as Pascaul in that same census. Not sure if we are talking the same family or not but I am told our name was shortened when they came to the United States. Would be nice to hear back from you.

          thank you,

          1. Leona


            Sorry for the delay but I just came across this email after many months of not doing any research. It does sound like we are talking about the same shared GGF Michele Saccomanno aka Miguel Sacoman. He married Paula Farin on 23 Jun 1885 in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

            I’ve managed to find some info on the Saccomanno line from Grimaldi Italy. I’m not sure just how accurate the information is.

            I hope to hear from you soon.

    18. Natalina

      I am interested in finding out information about the Marrello, Maio and Allessio families in Grimaldi. I know that the Marrello family originated from Paterno but at some point they came to live in Grimaldi. My grandfather’s name was Giuseppe Marrello and he was born in 1915. My grandmother was born Rosina Maio in 1919 Her mother’s name was Michelina Allessio and grandmother’s name was Candida. Michelina’s family was originally from Maione.

      1. Jim

        Hi, my mother’s mother was a Maio. She lived in Priest River, Idaho. She died when my mother was 6, which would have been in 1922. I am also interested in finding out more about the Maio name, particularly Mario Maio from Grimaldi. Let me know if I can help. Jim

        1. TG


          Hello. My great grandmother was Ana Maio that married Theodore Veltri and they lived in Priest River. I’ll help if I can.

      2. Mary Jo

        My grandfather was a Francesco Marrello born to a Dominico Marrello and a Giuseppina Bombino. Francesco emigrated in 1914 on the S.S. Berlin with his brother Salvatore. He moved to Utah and was called Frank Marrelli. I’d be interested in any information on the Marrello side as well.

    19. Carmino

      I am searching for any information on the surname Presta. Carmino Presta emigrated to Canada and I would like to find out about his roots. Parents were Guiseppe (born 1835)and Maria Presta both born in Grimaldi, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy. He had a brother named Guiseppe and might have had another brother named Guglielmo. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I have a photograph of Carmino but would love to obtain additional information on the family members he left behind when he emigrated to Canada. Is anyone related to this family or researching the “Presta/Presto” surname? Thank you kindly!

      1. Renee

        I don’t have a lot of information about the Prestas, but I am descended from another Guiseppe Presta (b. 1886), the son of Santo (b. 1848) and Maria (b. 1848).

    20. Joan

      Looking for information on a Alessandro family from Grimaldi. Guissseppe P. was born about 1887. His wife name was Serafina.

      Guisseppe immigrated to Canada in 1926. The passenger lists states he was 30 yrs. of age and married but we do not know what happened to his wife Serafina. She did not come to Canada with him. Don’t know if he had any brothers or sisters in Italy.

      Thanks very much.

    21. Josie

      My dad’s 80th birthday is June 6,2016. I am trying very hard to put a family history together to present to him but can’t find any information on his grandfather. His name was Michele Magnone. He was married to a women named Anna and had 3 children, Celestino, Giuseppina and Nicola. We believe he was born in Grimaldi early 1900’s and may have had 3 brothers. We also know he left for America around 1928. Also if you have any information on the parents of Rosario and Giuseppina Sgroi. I know they came from Linguagrossa, Sicily early 1900’s.

      This would be the best birthday present for my father. Especially if I could find a photograph.
      Thanking you so much,

      1. Josie

        Hi I’m just wondering if you ever got my request? I haven’t heard from anyone and thought maybe I didn’t send it correctly.Please let me know if everything is ok with the request on finding any information.
        Thank you so much

      2. francesca

        Josie, I was looking at something in the Grimaldi, Cosenza history. My name is Francesca Veltri and I am married to Antonio Mario Magnone, who is the son of Celestino Magnone. Celestino has one brother Nicola and one sister Giuseppina. We live in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. Giuseppina was married to Rosaria Sgroi. Of course, we do not know where you live but seems that we might related. Please, reply if you get this e mail. Very interested in find out who you are and how we are related.

        1. Cristina

          Hello! I am the granddaughter of Nicola Magnone. My Mother is Annetta Magnone. She is one of three children that Nicola and Teresa (Parisio) had.
          My Nonno Nicola’s father left for America in the late 1920’s and never returned back to Italy. It is our understanding that Michele Magnone, began a new life in America. I have been working on our Family Tree for the past few years. It would be wonderful to be able to fill in the gaps. It’s wonderful how this platform is able to connect us. The families of Nicola Magnone and Giuseppina Sgroi (Magnone) all reside the Toronto, Ontario (Canada) area. We are in contact with all of them. Zio Celestino’s family is in British Columbia. I would love to hear back from anyone on this site and possibly find family in the States. 🙂

      3. Teresa

        Josie there was a Celestino Magnone in Rossland British Columbia. He was cousins with my Grandfather Giuseppe Mauro. My great great grandmother was Rosaria Magnone. She must have been a sister to Michele Magnone. Celestino’s oldest son was named Michele. We always visited their family in Rossland.
        Just for information I have found under Family Search website, under Geneologies, Aiello Calabro a lot of documented genealogy for both Aiello Calabro and Grimaldi going as far back as early 1700’s. The documentation is only up to 1910 records but so detailed. It is so detailed. I traced my family trees on both my Mom and Dad’s family up to 6 generations.

    22. Marguerite

      My mother, Jessina was born in Calbria, Cozenza, to parents Gioavanni and Carmela Grimaldi.
      My Grandmother Carmela’s maiden name was also Grimaldi. I have been told they were 3rd cousins.
      Are there any records on their marriage or my mothers birth. And is Grimaldi a common name for the region?
      Thank You for your help
      God Bless

      1. Janice

        Jason, did you ever find any information on your great grandfather? I am also researching that name.

    23. Jason

      Hello! My family originated in the Calabria Region, with information showing them living around Grimaldi, Maione, and Altilia. From what I have found, they were Olive farmers. My great-grandfather Serafino Falsetto-Spina came to America in 1913. He was born in 1891 in Grimaldi, on via Cona. This road shows up in the comune of Maione, where there are a handful of farms showing on Google Earth. L Young, if you are able to find out any information regarding any of the information above, please let me know! There are a dozen or two of us left that I have documented from this side of the family, and we would love to find out more about the family before more information is lost to time.

      1. Cristina

        Jason, if you are still at this address, could you tell me if you have any information on Rosa ( Rosina) Spina married to Serafino Bossio ( born late 1800’s) from Grimaldi. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet my grandparents or any great aunts or uncle. Any information would be wonderful. Thank you

    24. L Young

      I have a birth certificate from my grandfather Falsetto Rosalbino; born in Grimaldi in 1895. Will be visiting Grimaldi trying to locate and meet any relatives of my grandfather in September 2016! Wondering if you can help me to locate any of my grandfathers relatives. He left out of Naples in early 1904 and arrived at Ellis Island on February 19, 1904.

      Thank you very much for any help/contacts that are living in Grimaldi currently!

      1. Michelle Guerrie

        Hi, L. Young. If everything goes well, might you be able to peek at the records for a Vincent James Guerrieri (born April 3, 1871). He married twice, Felicia Forillo (with whom he had a daughter born July 17, 1899) and Angelina Altomore (born 1881. Angelina’s parents were Joseph Altomore and Rosaria Naccarato.

        Vincent had a brother named Phillip (born May 28, 1865) married to Raphaela/Raphaelina Altomore (they married in March 1907). Phillip immigrated to US in 1883. Vincent and Phillip had a sister, Phyllis, she married a Forillo (Pete Forillo’s brother) and moved to Argentina. She had red hair.

        They were all born in Grimaldi.

        It was a small town then. Maybe we are cousins!!!!!

    25. Agidio

      I’m looking for my records on my great-grandfather Giovnni Veltri. Birth year is about 1841. My records indicate he’s from Grimoldi Cosenza Italy. His wife is Josephine Pedestia. Children are Rosaria, Rosa, Franchesco and Carmine. There may be others. If you have any information, please reply.

      1. francesca

        Dear Agidio,

        My name is also Veltri. I am the grand daughter of Roberto Veltri and Francesca Bruni. My dad’s name is Augusto Veltri.

        Please reply and let me know where you live and even a telelphone numbet.

        tks. francesca

    26. D Hourigan

      I’m looking for information on Francesco Mauro, birth 1825 (possibly 24 March).
      He left Italy 1893 and listed Grimaldi as home.
      Thank you very much

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