Genealogy useful tools

At you have many useful tools for your genealogy research:
– Italian Surnames Database
Search for an Italian surname and see where people with that name live in Italy.
– Italian First Names Database
Would you like to be sure of the correctness of an Italian First Name? Would you like to listen the exact pronunciation?
– Italian Towns Database
Find your Italian town and read more about it
– Old Names of Italian Towns
Can’t find your ancestors’ hometown? It could be that the town changed its name during last century!
– Articles about Genealogy from our blog
Read our last articles about Italian genealogy and family history
Would you like to start your genealogy tree ? Have you reached a dead end in your search?
Here at, we are ready to help you in your Italian genealogy research.
Read what people say about our Genealogy Researches It’s always the right time to investigate your “Italian Side”. Whenever you want, feel free to ask us for everything you need to begin or to go on in your family search.
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