Traditional Costumes of Piemonte

Many readers interested in Italian genealogy and heritage ask us to share old prints from our collection.
In Italy, every town and every village owned different costumes, even if the traditional dresses of the same region resembled each other in some way.
That’s why, with the post of few days ago on, we began sharing a series of galleries collecting vintage images depicting people from each region in their local traditional costumes. The great part of these prints are from the end of 1800 and the first years of 1900.
They will give us a better idea of the appearance of our ancestors (and we are sure you will fall in love with the Italian traditions!)

it’s now Piedmont’s turn!

If your ancestors were Piemontesi, it’s very likely that your great-grandmothers dressed in this way!
One is struck at first sight by the costume worn by the women of Rimella in Piedmont, we try to describe it in detail, because owing to the small scale of the pictures it is not possible to clearly distinguish all their particulars.

A chemise of home-woven linen, ornamented at the neck and wrists with needle lace, is worn with a skirt of woollen or cotton material with a hemmed band of red or green woollen cloth. The bodice is of black cloth sufficiently open in front to show a small yoke adorned with braid, ribbons and lace, while the corsets are worn outside. An apron of cotton stuff with hand embroidery in polychrome silks, and cloth shoes of the same material with strong soles, complete this picturesque costume.

We hope you will enjoy this!

If you have roots in Piemonte, feel free to download the pictures and add them to your family tree! This is another way to help you to be more near to the culture and traditions of your italian heritage.
If you would like to build your Italian genealogy tree, you can contact us at or fill this form
Our local experts are ready to help you!

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